Commentary: So you want to write

By Mona AlvaradoFrazier Guest contributor

There is a saying that “everyone has a story,” and that is true, but few know how to translate stories into books for readers. What motivates a person to write? What are the tips and tricks to begin writing? If you have been thinking of writing children’s books or just enjoy learning how to begin writing a story, make a date to attend a presentation that covers all of the above.

Author Amada Irma Perez presents “The Magic of Writing & Publishing Award Winning Children’s Books,” at the July 12, 2011 meeting of the Ventura County Writers Club at 7 p.m. This free presentation is open to the public as well as VCWC members.

Ms. Perez has written three children’s books, all award winning and written in Spanish and English versions. Her books are My Very Own Room/Mi propio cuartito; My Diary from Here to There/Mi diario de aquí hasta allá, andNana’s Big Surprise/Nana !Que sorpresa! All are illustrated by Maya Christina Gonzalez and published by Children’s Book Press.

Amada Irma Perez

The latest book is a book for preschoolers, Desert Quails Hit Jungle Trails/ Del Desierto a la Jungla. Her newest book, My Handy Writing Book: A New, Fun & Easy Way to Write Stories, will be unveiled at the VCWC meeting.

Ms. Perez’ mentor, Sandra Cisneros (House on Mango Street, Caramelo) nominated My Very Own Room to the “born to read program” in Texas. Consequently, 25,000 newborns received a copy as their first book when they went home from the hospital in San Antonio, Texas in 2004.

“Children need to enjoy reading, develop a love of reading and writing to advance in the world,” said Ms. Perez. “Watching young faces light up when they understand the story, to hear their laughter, bring me happiness. How to write stories that evoke those emotions takes craft. Great children’s’ books are written by adults who understand the innocence and curiosity of the young mind.”

In addition to writing, she is a bilingual educator, consultant, keynote and motivational speaker. Her talks include humorous excerpts from her books and the story of her life from an immigrant, to an educator, to published author.

Ms. Perez speaks at national and international conferences and has made inspirational presentations in Mexico, Europe, Asia and Africa to diverse audiences of students, teachers, parents, businesses and community organizations, where she teaches important writing skills and craft techniques.

I hope you can make it this Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at the Pleasant Valley Center at 1605 Burnley St. (between Carmen Dr. and Regent St.) in Camarillo, CA.

— Mona AlvaradoFrazier is the writer of two manuscripts: working titles “A Mariposa Heart” and “Strong Women Grow Here.” To see more of her work, visit