CLU School of Management — Upward!

MARCH   |   2021
California Lutheran University’s School of Management continues to provide a stimulating environment for our learners and the community around us, even in these unusual times. Today, we are once again happy to share a selection of exciting news, updates, and upcoming events to our communities in Southern California and beyond.

If you want to stay current on what is going on at the School of Management, please follow our Showcase page on LinkedIn.

What do these events have in common?    All 3 our community can participate in, in April. Our PRiME Competition and New Venture Fair are annual student competitions and are an integral part of our School of Management programs. Experiential learning is an ever more important element of cutting-edge education. Both our undergraduate and graduate students have options to test their newly acquired knowledge and skills against other students in these types of competitions. Once again we invite our community to get involved virtually in voting for the People’s Choice Awards. Voting is April 21-27. Watch for announcements. During Cal Lutheran’s CARES DAY on April 7th, the School of Management will be raising funds for student competitions like these. Your generous gift would go towards participation fees and other required resources necessary to take part in these outstanding experiential learning opportunities. Early giving is open now, at SOM Cares Day
Bringing relevant and timely topics to our community    
February’s event on “2021: The Economy, the Vaccine, and the Future” was co-produced with ACG101, and drew more than 1,100 registrations from around the United States. Attendees listened intently to a conversation between our own Matthew Fienup (Executive Director, Center for Economic Research and Forecasting), David Meline (CFO of Moderna, and member of our Dean’s Executive Council”, guided by moderator Harry Nelson (Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Nelson Hardiman). The conversation covered themes such as COVID-19 vaccine development, an outlook on the development of the pandemic, and consequences for the economy. Check out our SOM YouTube Channel for interesting topics.
Exclusive networking opportunity for EMBA students   During a recent Executive MBA class in the course “Strategy Development in a Global Context”, a distinguished panel of executives shared their experience and engaged in a lively discussion with students on special topics in international business, ranging from the global macro-environment and foreign trade policy to questions of market entry into specific country markets. Executives included Bryan Bradley (President, Group One Ltd.), Bob Bushnell (Senior Business Executive, Raytheon), Malcolm McNeil (Partner, ArentFox), and Stefano Pelle (Managing Director, Ferrero India). Our ACBSP-accredited Executive MBA is designed for successful career-minded people striving to achieve their next big goals and perform at peak potential.
Alumni connect with students to help them find their career path   The Paths to Professionalism event has been a School of Business/Management (SOM) event for several decades. The event is held in the Spring term and brings together 3 industry panelists who share their career insights on successes and challenges in defining a career path. This year, close to 100 students participated. The event featured conversations with alumnus Marc Francois ’09 (VP of Development, SeaGlass Hospitality), alumna Gabriela Ramirez ’11 (Senior Accountant, PBS Biotech), and Rob Machado (President and COO, Mars City Design and former Head of Strategy for Disney Theme Parks). Giving our students more experiential opportunities, the panel was masterfully moderated by School of Management Business Administration student Makenna Alter who, together with business students Bridget Caffrey and Kelvin Hau Canche lead the design, planning, and execution of the event. The interview-style conversations were followed by table discussions hosted by 18 recent School of Management alumni who generously gave their time to help students with their questions about career preparation between industry needs and their own passions. Watch this event on our SOM YouTube Channel here.
CERF in the news, AGAIN!    We recently received the good news that the Bank of America Charitable Foundation has awarded our Center for Economic Research and Forecasting (CERF) $250,000 for research that seeks to identify the total economic contribution of Hispanics by U.S. State. This new research will build on CERF’s ongoing work on the national-level Latino GDP Report, whose most recent edition was published at the end of September. The award from the Bank of America is a great testimony to the high quality of work at CERF, and it enables us to contribute to the commitment the university has made as a Hispanic-Serving Institution. Learn more about CERF‘s award-winning work.
Welcomed impressive new EMBA Cohort in Europe    Our Executive MBA (EMBA) in Austria program welcomed our new cohort of students in Europe. We have a total of 53 new students who will take this program in a hybrid format of weekend compressed courses in Austria and online courses over an intensive period of 15 months, before graduating in May 2022. The students bring impressive academic backgrounds ranging from Business to the Sciences to Law or Economics. We have accomplished entrepreneurs in the group and those with considerable work experience in a variety of industries in some of the largest companies in Austria and globally. Learn more about our EMBA in Europe program.


  • The first two volumes of an ongoing book series on Talent Management, edited by Vlad Vaiman(together with David Collings) were published by Emerald Publishing: Talent Management in Small Advanced Economies (S. Michailova and D. L. Ott) and Managing Talent: A Critical Appreciation (by S. Swailes).
  • Dazhi Chong (together with  Hui and Ma ) published the paper “The impact of Facebook on real estate sales” in the Journal of Management Analytics (2020): 1-12.
  • Ran Lu-Andrews’ (Finance and Program Director, Business Administration) research paper “Is the Behavior of Sellers with Expected Gains and Losses Relevant to Cycles in House Prices?” (co-authored with Clapp and Zhou) has been accepted for publication in the elite peer-reviewed journal, Journal of Housing Economics.
  • Jamshid Damooei (Director, Center for Economics of Social Issues) published the working paper “Can President Biden Restore Hope, Narrow the Division Among Opposing Groups and Build a Better America?” on the Globalization for the Common Good platform.
  • Matthew Fienup’s (Executive Director, Center for Economic Research and Forecasting) article “The first SGMA groundwater market is trading: The importance of good design and the risks of getting it wrong” (together with S. Heard and E. J. Reason) was accepted for publication in California Agriculture, the UC’s Agriculture & Natural Resources journal.
  • Vlad Vaiman (Associate Dean, Graduate Studies) published an article titled “The Shifting Boundaries of Talent Management” in Human Resource Management, the world’s most prestigious and highest ranked (incl. FT50) academic HR journal (together with Wayne Cascio, David Collings, and Brian Swider).


Our SOM events continue to be virtual for the time being due to the pandemic but we are still providing great topics, speakers, and educational offerings to our greater SOM community!
  • April 6 (1:00 pm): Next Gen Mentoring Forum with Derek J. Sensenig, MBA, CLU®, ChFC®, CFP®, RICP®, on “How Can Advisors improve Tele-Financial Planning?”
  • April 7 (all day): Cares Day (Giving Day) – Support the School of Management (SOM) student competition fund and SOM new building.
  • April 8 (5:00 pm): 2nd event in our “DEI in the Workplace: Preparing for Racial Disparity (Part 2)” series.
  • April 14 (4:00 pm): Entrepreneur Speaker Serieswith guest Jesse Martinez.
  • April 21 (12:00-1:30 pm): Forward Together webinar panel discussion on “Covid-19 Pandemic and Restaurant Recovery in the City of Pasadena”
  • April 20 (1:00 pm): Next Gen Mentoring Forumwith Professor Jason McCarley on “Can Robo-Advisors Help Financial Planning Professionals?”
  • April 21-27 (Online voting) and April 29 (Award Presentation, 9:00 am): New Venture Fair (NVF).
  • April 21-27 (Online voting) and April 28 (Award Presentation, 6:00 pm): PRIME Competition.
  • May 12 (12-12:45 pm): Forward Together webinar, with guest Mike Poutre, Cal Lutheran MBA alumnus, CEO and Founder of Terraform Capital and former CEO of The Crypto Company.
  • May 26 (12-12:45 pm): Forward Together webinarwith guest Parissa Haghirian, Professor at Sophia University, Japan and author of “Japanese Business Concepts You Should Know”.
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For our academic year in review, see: School of Management 2020 Snapshot
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