Channel Islands Maritime Museum is Recruiting New Volunteers

OXNARD — Channel Islands Maritime Museum is Recruiting New Volunteers.

Channel Islands Maritime Museum New Docent Class Starts Monday September 11.

Call now to enroll 805-984-6260

Our volunteers are the backbone of the Museum.

As a volunteer there are dozens of different ways to contribute your time.

Conduct tours for visitors

Staff the front desk and gift shop

Assist with the school education programs

Host various events

Work behind the scenes to keep the museum running smoothly.

In return you can enjoy the company of an active and fun group of volunteers.

Meet people from around the world.

Learn about maritime art and history in a small classroom setting.

Enhance the museum going experience for the visitors

Attend non fund- raising Museum events free of charge.

You can become a volunteer by taking the eight week course starting on Monday September 11, 2017 and continuing every Monday until October 30, 2017.

The class is from 10:00 am until 12:00 at the Museum. 3900 Bluefin Circle in the Channel Islands Harbor

You will become acquainted with the purpose, organization and objectives of the Museum, as well as with its’ outstanding collection.

You must become a member of the Museum.  Annual first year training membership starts at $35

You must have access to the internet and volunteer at least 6 hours a month or 72 hours per year.

For more information or to sign up e mail Linda Cody or call Linda Cody at 805-984-6260. Deadline to sign up is September 1, 2017.