Capps, others introduce legislation to ensure jobs are a priority

Rep. Lois Capps (D-Santa Barbara)

Rep. Lois Capps, D-Santa Barbara, joined Rep. John Larson and 57 of her colleagues in introducing legislation on Sept. 6 to ensure that job creation and economic growth are given the same focus and priority in Congress as reducing the deficit, according to a media release.

“Jobs continue to be first and foremost on everyone’s mind, and creating jobs and economic growth should be at the top of Congress’ to do list. I have spent the last few weeks talking with Central Coast businesses, elected officials and community advocates about what we can do to help create jobs. From investing in infrastructure to supporting research and development, it is clear that there are concrete steps the federal government can take to reduce unemployment and grow our economy,” said Capps.

The bill (H.R. 2835) would create a Jobs Super Committee, under the same terms as the Deficit Super Committee set to begin work this month, tasked with creating a plan to restore full employment by 2014.

“What’s more, economists agree that we will not be able to get the country on a sound fiscal footing without getting Americans back to work. Congress needs to have a dual focus on both creating jobs and reducing the deficit over the long term. Creating jobs and growing our economy remain the single most effective way to reduce the federal deficit.”

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