Capps applauds U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Affordable Care Act

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Lois Capps (CA-23) supported the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act, or health insurance reform law.

“I’m pleased the Supreme Court has affirmed the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act,” Capps stated Thursday in a media release. “This decision ensures we can build on the progress already underway to fix our broken health care system, and that those Central Coast families and small businesses currently benefiting from the law can continue to do so.  Already nearly 10,000 Central Coast young adults now have health insurance because of this law. Over 40,000 women now have access preventive services like cancer screenings without burdensome co-pays, thousands of seniors have saved hundreds of dollars on their prescription medications and over 500 small businesses have received tax credits to make health insurance more affordable, all because of this law.

“But there are many more improvements to come and this ruling ensures that will now happen, including a basic benefits plan that, among other things, guarantees all women access to contraceptives without burdensome co-pays or co-insurance will be implemented.  Health insurance companies will soon no longer be able to deny coverage to any American who has a pre-existing condition, and low and moderate income families will receive tax credits to help them afford quality insurance.  Moreover, insurance companies will finally be required to spend individuals’ premium dollars on medical care, not bonuses for CEOs.  In fact, later this summer consumers and small business will receive over $1 billion in rebate checks from insurance companies that have overcharged their customers under this new rule.

“I am grateful that under today’s ruling all these reforms will be protected, and I will continue working with my Republican and Democratic colleagues to make the law work even better in the future.