Boys & Girls Club of Ventura seeks community speakers

The Boys & Girls Club of Ventura is seeking community leaders to “share their life experiences, skills, talents and what it takes to become contributing, happy citizens of the community” through the club’s twice weekly “Speakers Series,” Dr. Susanne Lammot, board member and past president, stated in a media release.

Upcoming speakers include:

John Brant, financial planner, emeritus board member, bicyclist, unicyclist, juggler, volunteer, 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 28 at the Robert Addison Center, 1440 N. Olive St., Ventura, 805.641.5588.

March 6 – Patrick Davidson, writer, director, producer, humanitarian, co-founder of the ‘World We Want Foundation’ and a former senior vice president of the Walt Disney Co., Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. March 6 at the Bill LeFevre Center, 1929 Johnson Drive, Ventura, 805.641.5599.

Speakers arrive at 4:15 p.m. for a club tour before the program. Those interested in becoming community speakers, call Dr. Susanne Lammot at 805.644.5411 or visit

For more information, visit or call 805.641.5585.