Black-Brown politics subject of March 4 talk at UCSB

Gaye Theresa Johnson

“Spaces of Conflict, Sounds of Solidarity: Black-Brown Politics and Resistance in Los Angeles,” featuring speaker
Gaye Theresa Johnson, will be presented at 6 p.m. Monday, March 4 at the UCSB Multicultural Center, Lecture/MCC Lounge.

The program details interracial anti-racist alliances, divisions among minority communities, and the cultural expressions and spatial politics that emerge from the mutual struggles of Blacks and Chicanos in Los Angeles from the 1940s to the present.

Gaye Theresa Johnson is associate professor in the Department of Black Studies and affiliated faculty member in the departments of History and Chicana/o Studies. Contact the A.S. Ticket Office at 805-893-2064 for more information.