Bilingual report — Statement from City of Oxnard on the Passing of Supervisor Carmen Ramirez

Photo courtesy Teatro de las Américas.

Community groups, organizations including Teatro de las Américas and Gold Coast Health Care Plan, pay tribute to long-time public servant and community leader.

OXNARD — With great sadness Oxnard Mayor John C. Zaragoza and the City Council join the community in mourning the loss of Supervisor Carmen Ramirez, who passed away Friday evening following injuries she sustained as a pedestrian involved in a vehicle collision.

Supervisor Ramirez, who served on the Oxnard City Council for ten years prior to being elected Ventura County’s District 5 Supervisor in 2020, was a fierce advocate for Oxnard and worked steadfastly to represent the diverse voices in her beloved City. Prior to being elected to the Council in 2010, she worked as a longtime legal aid attorney serving low-income communities in Ventura County.

Said Mayor Zaragoza, “I offer my sincere condolences to her husband, Roy Prince, and her family. We will miss Carmen tremendously. We worked together often, while I was serving as Supervisor and she was Oxnard’s Mayor Pro Tem, and this camaraderie continued when she was elected Supervisor and I served as Mayor. She was passionate about environmental justice and creating a better future for our City. Her kindness, love and deep compassion for the community was felt by everyone. She will be dearly missed.”

Stated Mayor Pro Tem Bryan MacDonald, “I have had the pleasure and honor of working alongside Carmen Ramirez both as an Oxnard City Councilmember and later a Board of Supervisors member. She was always a very good resource, always had an open ear and was a staunch advocate for the community of Oxnard. Her death is a terrible and tragic loss to the community of Oxnard and she will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with her husband, Roy Prince, and the rest of her family during this difficult time.”

District 1 Councilmember Bert Perello said, “Carmen’s heart was always in the right place. She loved what she did, and she always put Oxnard first.”

District 2 Councilmember Gabe Teran said, “Supervisor Carmen Ramirez was a true champion of the people and a voice for those who didn’t always feel heard. Her approach as an elected official was one of genuine openness to dialogue. When I contemplated running for City Council, Carmen dissuaded any doubts I had and told me that she believed that I was the type of leader that our community needed. Carmen saw something in me that I could not yet see in myself. And true to her nature, she helped to bring out that future leader in me. Her tragic, untimely passing has inflicted such a deep pain to Ventura County and the Oxnard Community. I send my deepest condolences to Roy and all of Carmen’s family and wish them strength in this time of mourning. She has left a positive mark on the lives of so many, myself included. I consider myself so incredibly fortunate to have had Carmen as an incredible leader, a great mentor, and ultimately a true friend.”

District 3 Councilmember Oscar Madrigal said, “Carmen was always quick to give a helping hand, and was one of the first to reach out and offer assistance when I was a newly elected Councilmember. Each of us should strive to be like Carmen?—always lend a helping hand and keep paying it forward.”

Stated District 5 Councilwoman Gabriela Basua, “I will miss Carmen deeply, not only was she a role model for me but for many others. I will always be grateful for the mentorship and friendship. This is a huge loss for Oxnard and its surrounding community.”

District 6 Councilmember Vianey Lopez said, “Learning of the devastating loss of Supervisor Ramirez has brought a wave of emotions and memories of the many conversations and moments I shared with her since we first met over 12 years ago. Carmen was someone different to each of us in Oxnard and Ventura County, to me she was a friend, colleague, and mentor. To say she will be missed is an understatement. I extend my condolences to her husband Roy, the Ramirez family, and all those who also had the privilege of working with her personally and professionally.”

City Manager Alexander Nguyen stated, “We’ve lost the loveliest human being.”

The City of Oxnard is forever indebted to Carmen Ramirez for her many years of inspired public service and leadership. The City Council and staff extend their deepest condolences to Supervisor Ramirez’s family, loved ones and the many community members of Oxnard and Ventura County who are grieving this tremendous loss.


Declaración de la Ciudad de Oxnard sobre el fallecimiento de la supervisora ??Carmen Ramírez

OXNARD — Con gran tristeza, el alcalde de Oxnard, John C. Zaragoza, y el Concejo Municipal se unen a la comunidad para lamentar la pérdida de la supervisora ??Carmen Ramírez, quien falleció el viernes por la noche luego de las heridas que sufrió como peatón involucrada en un accidente automovilístico.

La supervisora ??Ramírez, quien sirvió en el Concejo Municipal de Oxnard durante diez años antes de ser elegida supervisora ??del Distrito 5 del Condado de Ventura en 2020, fue una feroz defensora de Oxnard y trabajó firmemente para representar las diversas voces en su amada ciudad. Antes de ser elegida para el Concejo en 2010, trabajó como abogada de asistencia legal durante mucho tiempo sirviendo a comunidades de bajos ingresos en el Condado de Ventura.

El alcalde Zaragoza dijo: “Ofrezco mis más sinceras condolencias a su esposo, Roy Prince, y su familia. Extrañaremos inmensamente a Carmen. Trabajamos juntos a menudo, mientras yo me desempeñaba como supervisor ??y ella era la alcaldesa interina de Oxnard, y esta camaradería continuó cuando ella fue elegida supervisora ??y yo me desempeñé como alcalde. Le apasionaba la justicia ambiental y la creación de un futuro mejor para nuestra ciudad. Todos sintieron su amabilidad, amor y profunda compasión por la comunidad. Se le extrañará inmensamente”.

El alcalde interino Bryan MacDonald declaró: “He tenido el placer y el honor de trabajar junto a Carmen Ramírez como concejal de la Ciudad de Oxnard y luego como miembro de la Junta de Supervisores. Ella siempre fue un muy buen recurso, siempre tuvo un oído abierto y fue una firme defensora de la comunidad de Oxnard. Su muerte es una pérdida terrible y trágica para la comunidad de Oxnard y la extrañaremos. Mis pensamientos y oraciones están con su esposo, Roy Prince, y el resto de su familia durante este momento difícil”.

El concejal del Distrito 1, Bert Perello, dijo: “El corazón de Carmen siempre estuvo en el lugar correcto. Le encantaba lo que hacía y siempre puso a Oxnard en primer lugar”.

El concejal del Distrito 2, Gabe Terán, dijo: “La supervisora ??Carmen Ramírez fue una verdadera campeona de la gente y una voz para aquellos que no siempre se sintieron escuchados. Su enfoque como funcionaria electa fue de genuina apertura al diálogo. Cuando contemplé postularme para el Concejo Municipal, Carmen disuadió mis dudas y me dijo que creía que yo era el tipo de líder que nuestra comunidad necesitaba. Carmen vio algo en mí que yo aún no podía ver en mí mismo. Y fiel a su naturaleza, ayudó a sacar a la luz a ese futuro líder en mí. Su fallecimiento trágico e inoportuno ha infligido un dolor tan profundo al Condado de Ventura y a la comunidad de Oxnard. Envío mi más sentido pésame a Roy y a toda la familia de Carmen y les deseo fortaleza en este momento de luto. Ella ha dejado una huella positiva en la vida de muchos, incluido yo mismo. Me considero increíblemente afortunado de haber tenido a Carmen como una líder increíble, una gran mentora y, en última instancia, una verdadera amiga”.

El concejal del Distrito 3, Oscar Madrigal, dijo: “Carmen siempre se apresuró a dar una mano y fue una de las primeras en acercarse y ofrecer ayuda cuando yo era un concejal recién elegido. Cada uno de nosotros debería esforzarse por ser como Carmen?—siempre echar una mano y seguir pagándolo adelante”.

La concejal del Distrito 5, Gabriela Basua, declaró: “Extrañaré profundamente a Carmen, no solo fue un modelo a seguir para mí sino para muchos otros. Siempre estaré agradecido por la tutoría y la amistad. Esta es una gran pérdida para Oxnard y la comunidad que la rodea”.

La concejal del Distrito 6, Vianey López, dijo: “Aprender de la devastadora pérdida de la supervisora ??Ramírez ha traído una ola de emociones y recuerdos de las muchas conversaciones y momentos que compartí con ella desde que nos conocimos hace más de 12 años. Carmen era alguien diferente para cada uno de nosotros en Oxnard y el Condado de Ventura, para mí era una amiga, colega y mentora. Decir que la extrañaremos es quedarse corto. Expreso mis condolencias a su esposo Roy, a la familia Ramírez y a todos aquellos que también tuvieron el privilegio de trabajar con ella personalmente y profesionalmente”.

El administrador de la ciudad, Alexander Nguyen, declaró: “Hemos perdido al ser humano más encantador”.

La Ciudad de Oxnard está eternamente endeudada con Carmen Ramírez por sus muchos años de inspirado servicio público y liderazgo. El Concejo Municipal y el personal extienden sus más profundas condolencias a la familia de la supervisora Ramírez, a sus seres queridos y a los muchos miembros de la comunidad de Oxnard y el Condado de Ventura que están afligidos por esta tremenda pérdida.

Also see:

Es con dolor que les mando esta noticia. Nuestra gran amiga, Carmen Ramírez falleció la noche del viernes.

Les doy más detalles después.


It is with sorrow that I send this notice. Our great friend, Carmen Ramírez died on Friday night. More details later.

Margaret Cortese


Gold Coast Health Plan Mourns the Loss of Supervisor Carmen Ramirez

Supervisor Ramirez served on the governing board of Ventura County’s Medi-Cal plan for nearly two years

CAMARILLO — Gold Coast Health Plan (GCHP) is saddened by the news of the tragic accident that took the life of Supervisor Carmen Ramirez, who served on its governing board, the Ventura County Medi-Cal Managed Care Commission.

“Ventura County’s most vulnerable communities have lost a fierce advocate,” said Dee Pupa, chair of the Commission and deputy director of managed care at the Ventura County Health Care Agency. “We offer our condolences to her family, friends, and all whose lives she touched. We will continue this important work in her memory.”

Supervisor Ramirez joined the Commission in Jan. 2021. As the supervisor for District 5, she represented nearly 100,000 – about 40% – of GCHP’s members.

“Supervisor Ramirez was a once-in-a-lifetime leader,” said Nick Liguori, GCHP’s chief executive officer. “She offered valuable insights into the needs of the community she so graciously served and offered her unwavering support for the GCHP programs and services that would best serve the members of those communities. Without a doubt, her time with us will leave a lasting impression on our staff, members, providers, and our community at large.”

About Gold Coast Health Plan

Gold Coast Health Plan proudly serves more than 240,000 Medi-Cal beneficiaries in Ventura County through its network of primary care physicians, specialists, behavioral health providers, and hospitals. Since it was founded in 2011, Gold Coast Health Plan has been committed to providing access to high-quality care and improving the health of its members, which include 1 in 5 county residents, 1 in 8 seniors, and 1 in 2 children up to the age of 5. To learn more, visit: