Bilingual report — COVID-19 Update: 405 New Cases

December 30, 2020 COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 Press Conference - December 30, 2020
RN @ VCMC Kendra COVID-19 Message (English)
Good Evening,
  • There are 405 new cases of COVID-19.
  • There have been 5 additional deaths: 59 year old female, 79 year old male, 86 year old male, 76 year old male, and a 107 year old male. These are our community members, these are moms, dads, grandparents, friends, husbands, wives, neighbors. Our thoughts are with their loved ones and the medical staff that cared for them. Please help save lives by following the public health guidance. Please protect your loved ones and your neighbors.
  • 4,355 new tests performed.
  • Current doubling time is 44.1 days. What is doubling? Simply put, it’s how many days it takes for the number of coronavirus cases, hospitalizations or deaths to double. The shorter the time frame, the steeper the curve and the faster the growth.
  • Current hospitalizations: 375 and current ICU: 70. 0.8% Adult ICU Bed Availability in Ventura County.
As the year comes to a close, it is more important than ever for our community to stay vigilant. ICU’s throughout the State are filling up and we need to do our part to help save lives, help support hospital staff and to help move our County and businesses forward. Please protect your families – don’t gather with friends or loved ones on New Year’s Eve. Stay home except for essential needs, wear a mask anytime you leave the house, keep 6 feet of distance from others, wash your hands frequently, only gather with people that live in your home. The state is seeing the largest COVID-19 transmission rates since the start of the pandemic. This is a critical time. Let’s kick off the new year by helping to do our part to slow the spread.
Questions? Please call 805-654-2640 or email


30 de diciembre de 2020 – Información del COVID-19
RN @ VCMC Nalleli COVID-19 Message (Español)
Buenas tardes,
  • Hay 405 nuevos casos de COVID-19
  • Ha habido 5 muertes adicionales: mujer de 59 años, hombre de 79 años, hombre de 86 años, hombre de 76 años y un hombre de 107 años. Estos son los miembros de nuestra comunidad, son abuelos, amigos, esposos y vecinos. Nuestros pensamientos están con las familias de los fallecidos.
  • Se han administrado 4,355 nuevas pruebas
  • El tiempo de duplicación actual es de 44.1 días. En pocas palabras, es cuántos días se necesitan para que se duplique el número de casos, hospitalizaciones o muertes por coronavirus.
  • Hospitalizaciones actuales: 375 y actualmente en cuidados intensivos: 70.
Por favor use máscara, practique el distanciamiento social, no se reúna y lávese las manos frecuentemente. Quédese en casa si está enfermo. Por favor manténgase sano protegiéndose a usted mismo y a nuestra comunidad.
El Departamento de Salud Pública del Estado de California ha anunciado que se ha extendido la orden de quedarse en casa.
Vea la conferencia de prensa de hoy en el siguiente enlace:
celebrating-new-years (spanish)