Bilingual report: County of Ventura COVID-19 update for April 16

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Afternoon, Here is your daily update on COVID-19 in the County of Ventura.

  • 19 new cases
  • 384 total cases
  • 191 recovered cases
  • 27 in the hospital
  • 9 in the ICU
  • 13 deaths (2 people in their 50s and the remainder in their 70s and 80s)
  • 6,823 tested


Unemployment Assistance:

  • Employment Development Department benefits are available to workers and employers whose earnings are impacted by COVID-19. Access information at
  • As part of the federal CARES Act, the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program helps unemployed Californians who are business owners, self-employed, independent contractors, have limited work history, and others not usually eligible for regular state UI benefits who are out of business or services are significantly reduced as a direct result of the pandemic. Learn more at
  • Those in need of further assistance with the application can make an appointment with America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) by calling 805-20?4-5186.
  • Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling the AJCC at the number provided by the County of Ventura at 800-735-2922 or by dialing California Relay at 711.
  • If you do not have a phone, you can receive information or set up an appointment be sending an email to the Workforce Services Information inbox at
  • For information on training, seeking work, or career guidance inquiries can be made through the local AJCC Portal at


Tune in on April 17 at 1 pm at, News Channel 3, ABC 7, Spectrum 10, Facebook @ countyofventura and Twitter @ countyventura for a press conference update from the County of Ventura highlighting efforts to support businesses throughout the County.

Summary #
New cases 19
Total cases 384
Recovered Cases 191
Ever hospitalized 73
Current hospitalizations 27
Ever ICU 23
Current ICU 9
Active Cases Under Quarantine 180
Deaths 13
People Tested 6,823
Age and Sex of Confirmed Cases: Female Male % Race/Ethnicity** % Cases % Deaths
Age 0-17 6 3 2.3% Latino 39.1% 8.3%
Age 18-24 19 9 7.3% White 47.7% 91.7%
Age 25-44 51 44 24.7% Asian 5.6% 0.0%
Age 45-64 73 87 41.7% African American/Black 1.0% 0.0%
Age 65+ 40 52 24.0% Multiracial 1.0% 0.0%
Unknown 0 0 0.0% American Indian or Alaskan Native 0.5% 0.0%
Total 189 195 100.0% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.0% 0.0%
Other 5.1% 0.0%
Confirmed Cases: # % Total 100.0% 100.0%
Travel Related 19 4.9% **There are 166 cases not included in this analysis because of missing race/ethnicity data. 
Person-to-person acquired 108 28.1%
Community acquired 201 52.3%
Under investigation 56 14.6% City/Unincorporated Area # %
Total 384 100.0% Camarillo 39 10.2%
Fillmore 6 1.6%
City # % Lake Sherwood 3 0.8%
Camarillo 39 10.2% Moorpark 23 6.0%
Fillmore 6 1.6% Newbury Park 7 1.8%
Moorpark 23 6.0% Oak Park 12 3.1%
Ojai 5 1.3% Oak View 2 0.5%
Oxnard 79 20.6% Ojai 5 1.3%
Port Hueneme 5 1.3% Oxnard 79 20.6%
Santa Paula 6 1.6% Piru 1 0.3%
Simi Valley 99 25.8% Port Hueneme 5 1.3%
Thousand Oaks 55 14.3% Santa Paula 6 1.6%
Ventura 30 7.8% Santa Rosa Valley 3 0.8%
Unincorporated Area – West 3 0.8% Simi Valley 99 25.8%
Unincorporated Area – East 34 8.9% Somis 1 0.3%
Total 384 100.0% Thousand Oaks 55 14.3%
Ventura 30 7.8%
Westlake 8 2.1%

Ashley Bautista

Public Information Officer