Bilingual report: County of Ventura COVID-19 update for April 15

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Evening, Here’s your daily report on COVID-19 in the County of Ventura.


  • 15 new cases
  • 365 total cases
  • 166 recovered cases
  • 31 currently in the hospital
  • 8 currently in the ICU
  • 186 active cases under quarantine
  • 6,508 people tested


View today’s press conference at the following links:




Stay Well At Home Order Extension

The Ventura County Public Health Officer announced that the Stay Well At Home Order will be extended until May 15, 2020. The current Order is set to expire April 19, 2020 at midnight. The Public Health Officer will be modifying the current Order and making an announcement about the details before the current Order expires.


Resource Spotlight: Food

Medi-Cal, CalFresh & CalWORKs Programs: 1-888-472-4463 or

Food Share: 805-983-7100 or

School Meals:

Food for Seniors: 805-477-7300 or

WIC (Women, Infants & Children): 805-981-5251


Frequently Asked Question: Are masks required for residents? Are masks required for providers of essential businesses? Not required but recommended.


There is no order that requires community members or business operators to wear a mask. The Public Health Officer recommends a mask. He supports those residents who wish to cover their nose and mouth when leaving home for essential travel to doctor appointments, grocery shopping or pharmacy visits. The face coverings should not be hospital grade at this time because there is a shortage and our health professionals need them. Masks should be homemade and cover the nose and mouth. For decades, Public Health officials nationwide and locally have said that wearing a mask for protection against the flu is unnecessary for the general public. Now, Ventura County Public Health Officer Doctor Robert Levin says circumstances have changed. “There is growing evidence that people can have COVID-19 without any symptoms and that they can pass it to others at this stage. Many people wear masks thinking it will protect them from a virus, and in certain cases it may. That may also be true for COVID-19 especially if accompanied by good hand hygiene and social distancing, but now there may be a better reason to wear a mask; it will decrease the chance of you spreading it to someone else if you have the infection asymptomatically.” This is particularly important if decreasing spread means not infecting a senior or someone with other chronic conditions. “In light of building evidence, I support those who wish to wear a mask in public. I don’t think everyone must do so, but I look upon those who do as making a responsible decision. I never thought I’d say that.” It is imperative though, that the use of masks by members of the public not contribute to the shortage of personal protective equipment needed by first responders like health care workers. If someone chooses to wear a mask in public, it should be home made, at least until there is no more shortage. “I’m not ready to wear a mask yet but I will respect those who do. It’s going to be hard for me to not start wearing one,” said Doctor Levin. “Covering your face doesn’t change the orders everyone must abide by to stay home as much as possible and maintain social distancing, but it’s an extra layer of protection that I think is reasonable to add.” The rationale for covering one’s face comes from the belief that transmission occurs primarily through droplets from an infected individual, which fabrics may filter. This not only helps to reduce the risk a well person can breathe those droplets in, but also protects others around someone with mild or no symptoms who may not yet realize they have the COVID-19 infection. Face coverings may be worn anytime a person is outside of their home, even in offices of essential businesses. “We must work together to stop the spread and save lives in our County,” said Doctor Levin. “That means that flattening the curve may benefit from another layer of protection against the virus. Consider the additional step to cover your face.” Health officials continue to stress that frequent hand washing, social distancing and staying home are the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Stay in your place, maintain your space and cover your face.

Summary #
New cases 15
Total cases 365
Recovered Cases 166
Ever hospitalized 68
Current hospitalizations 31
Ever ICU 22
Current ICU 8
Active Cases Under Quarantine 186
Deaths 13
People Tested 6,508
Age and Sex of Confirmed Cases: Female Male % Race/Ethnicity** % Cases % Deaths % of Population
Age 0-17 5 3 2.2% Latino 39.1% 8.3% 44.5%
Age 18-24 19 8 7.4% White 47.7% 91.7% 43.2%
Age 25-44 50 41 24.9% Asian 5.6% 0.0% 7.4%
Age 45-64 67 82 40.8% African Americans/Blacks 1.0% 0.0% 1.7%
Age 65+ 39 51 24.7% Multiracial 1.0% 0.0% 2.5%
Unknown 0 0 0.0% American Indian or Alaskan Native 0.5% 0.0% 0.3%
Total 180 185 100.0% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.0% 0.0% 0.2%
Other 5.1% 0.0% 0.2%
Confirmed Cases: # % Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Travel Related 18 4.9% **There are 167 cases and 1 death not included in this analysis because of missing race/ethnicity data.
Person-to-person acquired 92 25.2%
Community acquired 180 49.3%
Under investigation 75 20.5% City/Unincorporated Area # %
Total 365 100.0% Camarillo 39 10.7%
Fillmore 6 1.6%
City # % Lake Sherwood 3 0.8%
Camarillo 39 10.7% Moorpark 23 6.3%
Fillmore 6 1.6% Newbury Park 7 1.9%
Moorpark 23 6.3% Oak Park 12 3.3%
Ojai 5 1.4% Oak View 2 0.5%
Oxnard 73 20.0% Ojai 5 1.4%
Port Hueneme 5 1.4% Oxnard 73 20.0%
Santa Paula 4 1.1% Piru 1 0.3%
Simi Valley 92 25.2% Port Hueneme 5 1.4%
Thousand Oaks 52 14.2% Santa Paula 4 1.1%
Ventura 29 7.9% Santa Rosa Valley 3 0.8%
Unincorporated Area – West 3 0.8% Simi Valley 92 25.2%
Unincorporated Area – East 34 9.3% Somis 1 0.3%
Total 365 100.0% Thousand Oaks 52 14.2%
Ventura 29 7.9%
Westlake 8 2.2%
Total 365 100.0%