Bilingual report: Community forum on labor rights to be held Aug. 11 in Santa Paula

SANTA PAULA — Lideres Campesinas’ (Farmworker Women Leaders) Ventura Chapter and Poder Popular from Santa Paula in collaboration with partner agencies that include Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB), the California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. (CRLA), and the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) will host a roundtable forum for farmworkers on Labor Rights from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 11 at 214 No. 10th St., Santa Paula, the organization reported in a media release.

Farmworkers in Ventura County will meet via individual roundtables with each of our agency partners to learn about worker rights and will also have an opportunity to educate agency representatives about the most pressing concerns impacting farmworkers in the workplace, the organization reported.

“Campesinas act on the injustices they face in the workplace when they know their rights and trust the agencies they seek assistance from,” Suguet Lopez, Lideres Campesinas’ executive director, stated in the release. “This forum provides an innovative approach for convening farmworkers and agency representatives to exchange information, to build trust and thus a greater enforcement of labor laws for the benefit of our farm working community in Ventura County”.

Líderes Campesinas’ mission is to strengthen farmworker women’s leadership so that they serve as agents of social, economic and political change to ensure their human rights. For the past 25 years we have lead the farmworker women’s movement in California. Bilingual testimonies and art displays (morralitos* and bandanas**) will be available on site.



* Morralito (sack) project – farmworker women artistically decorate sacks with messages to raise consciousness around farmworkers pesticides exposure.

** Bandana Esperanza Project – farmworker women artistically decorate bandanas with messages aimed at bringing visibility to the issue of farmworker women sexual harassment in the workplace.