Aug. 3 — COVID-19 Logrando bienestar webinar

OXNARD — Hello Logrando Bienestar Friends,

I hope all of you are fine. As you know in some areas in our county several families have been affected by COVID-19, some of these families have called Logrando to look for more information and support, for this reason, our program Logrando Bienestar will do a webinar with the participation of Dr. Alejandro Andrade from VCMC.

Dr. Andrade will provide information in Spanish about COVID19 and he will be answering questions that parents could have and I will be providing information about Logrando Bienestar and Mental Health services available.

I am sending you the flyer and the link to register. We appreciate any support you can provide to share this information with families or friends.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Thank you.