Aug. 26 — Celebrate the 100th anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote at Vision 2020 Ventura County’s Toast to Tenacity

Courtesy photo.

VENTURA — August 26, 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution acknowledging women’s right to vote.  Vision 2020 Ventura County invites community members to celebrate, participate and learn about the centennial at a family-friendly, non-partisan virtual event on National Women’s Equality Day, August 26 from 4pm to 6pm.  The free event will include performances by the passion players, presentations, videos and the Museum of Ventura County’s virtual tour of its new curated exhibit “The 19th: Votes for Women”.  For event details and to register, visit

Vision 2020 Ventura County is affiliated with Vision 2020, a non-partisan National Women’s Equality Initiative headquartered at Drexel University’s Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership in Philadelphia.  Dawn Dyer, Chair of the Vision 2020 Ventura County committee also serves as a California Delegate for Vision 2020 National.

Dyer explains why she helped organize Vision 2020 Ventura County, “I felt it was particularly important to empower young women to claim their seat at the table.  By honoring the sacrifices of the suffragists, we can help shape the future for the next generations of women. I encourage all women not to take their rights for granted.  Use Your Voice! Use Your Vote!”

Toast to Tenacity endeavors to engage and inform attendees of all ages about the history of women’s rights and the importance of being actively engaged in our democracy. Though the 19th Amendment did not discriminate in its language, many women of color were denied the right to vote and continued to fight until the Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965.  Register online here to attend the virtual event.

Vision 2020 has an inspiring vision for the nation’s future, based on four pillars of action: Shared Leadership among women and men; Economic Parity for women by closing the gender gap in pay and retirement income; Youth Education that inspires girls to identify as leaders; and Civic Engagement, encouraging women to run for office and to vote in record numbers.

Toast to Tenacity is made possible through the support of host sponsor California State University Channel Islands, and collaborators including the AAUW, League of Women Voters of Ventura County, Museum of Ventura County, NAWBO VC, Ventura County Professional Women’s Network, Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) as well as local educators, and individuals.

About Vision 2020 Ventura County,
Vision 2020 Ventura County is affiliated with Vision 2020, a non-partisan National Women’s Equality Initiative headquartered at Drexel University’s Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership in Philadelphia — working together to achieve economic, political and social equality for all women.  Vision 2020 Ventura County is operating as an independent entity under the fiscal sponsorship of the League of Women Voters of Ventura County, a 501(3)(c) organization.

About Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV),
Women’s Economic Ventures is dedicated to creating an equitable and just society through the economic empowerment of women. WEV provides training, consulting and loans to help entrepreneurs start, grow and thrive in business. WEV serves Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.  While WEV targets its services toward women, it helps men as well. Services are provided in both English and Spanish.

Since 1991, WEV has provided business training and consulting to more than 17,500 women and men throughout Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. WEV has made over $5 million in business loans, and helped more than 4,500 local businesses start or expand. WEV-supported businesses have created nearly 9,000 jobs. WEV is a U.S. Small Business Administration’s Women’s Business Center, and a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI).