Aug. 19 — VCWPC Garden Party to honor Judge Michele Castillo, Judge Toy White

CAMARILLO —The Ventura County Women’s Political Council’s VCWPC Garden Party will celebrate “Trailblazing Women in Law” by honoring Judge Michele Castillo and Judge Toy White from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 19 at the President’s Courtyard at CSU Channel Islands.

Tickets are $35 for members, $50 for non-members.

Sponsorships are available:

  • FRIEND ($100) includes one ticket and name in program
  • ADVOCATE  ($200) includes two tickets and tribute to honorees in program
  • CHAMPION  ($300 or more) includes three tickets, plus name in program and tribute to honorees in program
  • TRIBUTE ONLY  ($75), no event tickets (tributes 50 words maximum)

To RSVP, send check to VCWPC, P.O. Box 6603, Ventura, CA 93006 or pay by credit card online at