Aug. 16 — SBMA to present ‘The Santa Barbara Art Scene in the 70s: A Conversation’

Joan Tanner, 9 Spaces by 10, 1976. Charcoal, paint, wire, beads and insect wings on paper. SBMA, Museum purchase with funds provided by friends of the artist.

SANTA BARBARA — The Santa Barbara Museum of Art will  present “The Santa Barbara Art Scene in the 70s: A Conversation” at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 16, at the Mary Craig Auditorium,Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1140 State St., Santa Barbara.

Presented in conjunction with the exhibition Summer Nocturne: Works on Paper from the 1970s, co-moderators SBMA Curator of Contemporary Art Julie Joyce and writer/musician Joe Woodardsit down with artists Dick Dunlap and Joan Tanner to discuss highlights of a historic decade for contemporary art in Santa Barbara. Vintage video clips and images provide context for this anecdotal exchange, which is meant to provide insight into experimental art practices during the 1970s and how they played out in the Santa Barbara art scene.


Reserve tickets at the Museum Visitor Services desk or online at