Bilingual report — Arte & Cultura Collective of Santa Paula Invites All Artists to Mission & Vision Workshop on Aug, 1

SANTA PAULA — The Arte & Cultura Collective of Santa Paula, a vibrant community organization dedicated to promoting and celebrating cultural arts, is excited to announce its upcoming Mission & Vision Workshop. This workshop aims to bring together artists, organizations, and individuals committed to various forms of artistic expression from the local community to collectively shape the future of our cultural arts scene.

The Mission & Vision Workshop will take place on Tuesday, August 1st at the Train Depot located at 200 N. 10th St, Santa Paula, CA 93060 from 4:45PM-7:00PM. Artists, organizations, and individuals of all backgrounds and disciplines are invited to attend and actively participate in this collaborative event.

During the workshop, participants will have the unique opportunity to have their artistic voice heard and play a pivotal role in shaping the mission and vision of Arte & Cultura Collective of Santa Paula. Through interactive discussions, brainstorming session, and creative exercises, attendees will contribute their insights, ideas, and aspirations for the future of our cultural arts community.

“At Arte & Cultura Collective of Santa Paula, we believe that artists are the heart and soul of our community. This workshop is designed to empower artists, foster collaboration, and establish a shared vision that reflects our diverse artistic landscape,” said Tracy Hudak, Manager of Programs & Organizational Advancement for Californians for the Arts.

By attending the Mission & Vision Workshop, artists will help set the foundation for future initiatives, programs, and events that Arte & Cultura Collective of Santa Paula will undertake. This is an exceptional opportunity to shape the direction of our cultural arts community and contribute to its growth and vitality. All members of the public are welcome.

For more information about Arte & Cultura Collective of Santa Paula and the Mission & Vision Workshop, contact Jonathan Royas, City of Santa Paula Management Analyst at


Arte & Cultura Collective of Santa Paula invita a todos los artistas a taller de Misio?n y Visio?n

SANTA PAULA – – Arte & Cultura Collective of Santa Paula, una vibrante organizacio?n comunitaria dedicada a promover y celebrar las artes culturales, se complace en anunciar su pro?ximo Taller de Misio?n y Visio?n. Este taller tiene como objetivo reunir a artistas, organizaciones e individuos comprometidos con diversas formas de expresio?n arti?stica de la comunidad local para dar forma colectivamente al futuro de nuestra escena arti?stica cultural.

El Taller de Misio?n y Visio?n se llevara? a cabo el martes 1 de agosto en el Depo?sito de Trenes ubicado en 200 N. 10th St, Santa Paula, CA 93060 de 4:45 p.m. a 7:00 p.m. Artistas, organizaciones e individuos de todos los ori?genes y disciplinas esta?n invitados a asistir y participar activamente en este evento colaborativo.

Durante el taller, los participantes tendra?n la oportunidad u?nica de hacer que su voz arti?stica sea escuchada y desempen?ar un papel fundamental en la configuracio?n de la misio?n y la visio?n de Arte & Cultura Collective de Santa Paula. A trave?s de discusiones interactivas, sesiones de lluvia de ideas y ejercicios creativos, los asistentes contribuira?n con sus ideas, ideas y aspiraciones para el futuro de nuestra comunidad de artes culturales.

“En Arte & Cultura Collective of Santa Paula, creemos que los artistas son el corazo?n y el alma de nuestra comunidad. Este taller esta? disen?ado para empoderar a los artistas, fomentar la colaboracio?n y establecer una visio?n compartida que refleje nuestro diverso panorama arti?stico”, dijo Tracy Hudak, Gerente de Programas y Avance Organizacional de Californians for the Arts.

Al asistir al Taller de Misio?n y Visio?n, los artistas ayudara?n a sentar las bases para futuras iniciativas, programas y eventos que Arte & Cultura Collective of Santa Paula emprendera?. Esta es una oportunidad excepcional para dar forma a la direccio?n de nuestra comunidad de artes culturales y contribuir a su crecimiento y vitalidad. Todos los miembros del pu?blico son bienvenidos.

Para obtener ma?s informacio?n sobre Arte & Cultura Collective of Santa Paula y el Taller de Misio?n y Visio?n, comuni?quese con Jonathan Royas, Analista de Gestio?n de la Ciudad de Santa Paula en