Bilingual report — Allan Hancock College students help with new Santa Barbara County Food & Wine app

Allan Hancock College agriculture and viticulture students helped gather information on Santa Barbara County farms, wineries, and farmers markets for the new AgriDiscovery app. • Estudiantes de agricultura y viticultura de AHC ayudaron a recopilar información sobre los ranchos, viñedos y mercados de abastos del condado de Santa Bárbara para la nueva aplicación AgriDiscovery. Courtesy photo.

SANTA BARBARASanta Barbara County residents will be able to easily find local farms, wineries, vineyards, and farmers markets thanks to a new app developed through Allan Hancock College’s agriculture and viticulture programs with help from the college’s students. 

AgriDiscovery is a new interactive mobile app that allows visitors and residents to explore vegetables, fruits, honey, flowers, wine and other agricultural products made and grown in Santa Barbara County, and the locations where they can buy them. The free app also allows users to filter their searches based on farming practices such as organic, regenerative, and sustainable.

“This new app will help improve the community’s knowledge and understanding of farming, food, and wine in our region, and connect them with the people who grow and produce these crops and wines,” said Hancock viticulture and enology instructor Alfredo Koch. “This will also help the county’s growers and winemakers by increasing awareness of their businesses and products.”

Students from Hancock’s viticulture and agriculture programs assisted with the development of the app by contacting and gathering information for more than 100 wineries, farms, and farmers’ markets currently included in the app. Koch said the number will continue to grow as students help bring more businesses onto the app.

“There was a lot of data and information that needed to be collected from these businesses, and our students were willing to get out there, connect with these growers, and make sure the information we included was correct and accurate,” said Koch.

The AgriDiscovery app is free to all and currently available for download from the App Store for Apple devices and on Google Play for Android devices.

Funding for the project was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM22SCBPCA1133. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the USDA.



SANTA BARBARA – – Ahora es ma?s fa?cil encontrar ranchos, vin?edos y mercados de abastos locales gracias a una nueva aplicacio?n desarrollada por estudiantes de los programas de agricultura y viticultura de Allan Hancock College.

La nueva aplicacio?n, AgriDiscovery, conecta a residentes con cosechas y productos cultivados dentro del condado de Santa Ba?rbara. La aplicacio?n tambie?n permite a los usuarios a filtrar bu?squedas basados en pra?cticas agri?colas especi?ficas, como productos orga?nicos, regenerativos y sostenibles.

“Esta nueva aplicacio?n ayudara? en mejorar el conocimiento y comprensio?n sobre la agricultura, la comida, y el vino de nuestra regio?n, y los conectara con las personas que cultivan estos productos”, dijo Alfredo Koch, instructor de viticultura y enologi?a de AHC. “Esto tambie?n ayudara? a los agricultores y vinicultores del condado en aumentar el conocimiento general sobre sus negocios y productos.”

Los estudiantes de los programas de viticultura y agricultura de Hancock ayudaron en la creacio?n de la aplicacio?n al obtener informacio?n para ma?s de 100 vin?edos, ranchos, y mercados locales. Koch menciona que el nu?mero seguira? creciendo a medida que los estudiantes sigan agregando ma?s negocios a la aplicacio?n.

“Hubo mucha informacio?n que se necesitaba recopilar de estos negocios y nuestros estudiantes se comunicaron con estos cultivadores para asegurar de que la informacio?n dentro de la aplicacio?n fuera correcta y precisa”, dijo Koch.

La aplicacio?n AgriDiscovery esta disponible para iPhone dentro del App Store y para Android dentro de la tienda Google Play.

El financiamiento para el proyecto fue posible gracias al Servicio de Comercializacio?n Agri?cola del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA) a trave?s de la subvencio?n AM22SCBPCA1133. El contenido es u?nicamente responsabilidad de los autores y no necesariamente representa las opiniones oficiales de USDA.