Bilingual report: Teatro holding sushi fundraiser on April 9 in Oxnard

Teatro de las Américas will be present its next sushi fundraiser at 7 p.m. Monday, April 9 at Genmai Sushi, 3623 W. Fifth St., Oxnard.

“Meet the cast of “Zapatera; meet friends of Teatro; enjoy good food and have a good time, Margaret Cortese, executive director, stated in a media release. “This is a fundraiser as well; a generous percentage of your tab is donated to Teatro by our good friends, Felipe and Alberto, the sushi masters and owners of Genmai. Moreover, if fish is not your style, they are willing to prepare other types of dinners.

For more information, send an email to


Vengan a cenar con nosotros el lunes 9 abril empesando a las 7:00 hasta ? pm

Conozcan al elenco de la “Zapatera,” encuentrense con amigos del teatro, saborean buena comida y diviertanse. Este evento recaude fondos para el teatro, pues un generos prcentaje de tu cuenta es donada al teatro pro nuestras amigos, Alberto y Felipe, maestros del sushi y dueños de Genmai. Sí  no te guesta el pescado, ellos con gusto te preparan otro platillo.