Bilingual report — Free, voluntary Central Coast Drinking Water Well Testing Program which is now available in Santa Barbara County

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY — A free, voluntary Central Coast Drinking Water Well Testing Program which is now available in Santa Barbara County, according to the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board.

The purpose of this program is to provide those who get their drinking water from a private well or small water system (14 connections or less) with information regarding the quality of their drinking water. Private wells and small water systems are unregulated, therefore it is the responsibility of those who own and/or use the well to test the quality of the well water.

Based on testing hundreds of wells throughout the central coast, we are finding that over 40% of wells are contaminated with at least one pollutant. The most common pollutants are nitrate, arsenic, and hexavalent chromium. Many pollutants do not change the appearance, taste, or smell of the water. Therefore, people can be unaware that they are drinking polluted water. Pregnant women, unborn babies, and infants are particularly vulnerable.

Anyone with a well or small water system in Santa Barbara County is eligible for the free testing. But, this issue disproportionately impacts households in disadvantaged communities and we therefore prioritize our resources in these areas.

Those interested in this resources and would like to learn more or schedule an appointment, please visit the website or call 1-844-613-5152.