Bilingual report — Ventura County Area Agency on Aging’s HICAP Offers Medicare Open Enrollment Presentations and Counseling

Click here for listing of Medicare Changes Presentations

Click here for listing of Open Enrollment One-Stops

VENTURA — With the Medicare Open Enrollment period about to begin, the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) – part of the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging, a division of the Human Services Agency – will again be providing countywide resources and help.

Medicare Open Enrollment begins on October 15 and runs through December 7. HICAP provides free, unbiased Medicare counseling to the public.

In October, November, and December, HICAP counselors — who are registered with the California Department of Aging —  will be all around the county, hosting 35 One-Stops to provide individual counseling sessions, as well as 13 “2025 Medicare Changes” presentations.

Sites for these various events include Ventura (the VCAAA office), Camarillo (Camarillo Health Care District, Pleasant Valley Senior Center), Fillmore (Active Adult Center), Moorpark (Active Adult Center), Ojai (HELP of Ojai), Oxnard (Colonia Senior Center, Palm Vista Senior Center, South Oxnard Senior Center, Wilson Senior Center), Port Hueneme (Orvene S. Carpenter Community Center), Santa Paula (Senior Center), Simi Valley (Senior Center) and Thousand Oaks (CRPD Conejo Creek Community Building, Goebel Adult Community Center).

Please see the attached PDFs or visit for specific dates, times, and locations.

These events are free, but pre-registration is required for individual appointments at the One-Stops, and requested prior to attendance at the 2025 Medicare Changes presentations. Signups can be made online at, or by calling the VCAAA at (805) 477-7300.


VENTURA – – Con el período de inscripción abierta de Medicare a punto de comenzar, El Programa de Asesoría y Apoyo en el Seguro de Salud (por sus siglas en Ingles HICAP), parte de la Agencia en el Área de Envejecimiento del Condado de Ventura, una división de la Agencia de Servicios Humanos nuevamente proporcionará recursos y ayuda en todo el condado.

La Inscripción Abierta de Medicare comienza el 15 de Octubre y se extiende hasta el 7 de Diciembre. HICAP proporciona asesoramiento gratuito e imparcial de Medicare al público.

En Octubre, Noviembre y Diciembre, los consejeros de HICAP — que están registrados en el Departamento de Envejecimiento de California — estarán por todo el condado.estarán en todo el condado, organizando 35 Ventanillas Únicas (One-Stops) para proporcionar sesiones de asesoramiento individual, así como 13 presentaciones de “Cambios de Medicare para el 2025”.

Los sitios para estos diversos eventos incluyen Ventura (la oficina de VCAAA), Camarillo (Camarillo Health Care District y Pleasant Valley Senior Center), Fillmore (Active Adult Center), Moorpark (Active Adult Center), Ojai (HELP of Ojai), Oxnard (Colonia Senior Center, Palm Vista Senior Center, South Oxnard Senior Center, Wilson Senior Center), Port Hueneme (Orvene S. Carpenter Community Center), Santa Paula (Senior Center), Simi Valley (Senior Center) y Thousand Oaks (CRPD Conejo Creek Community Building y Goebel Adult Community Center).

Por favor, consulte los PDF adjuntos o visite el sitio de internet para conocer fechas, horarios y lugares específicos.

Estos son eventos gratuitos, pero se requiere inscripción previa para citas individuales en la ventanilla Única (One-Stops) y se solicita antes de asistir a las presentaciones de Cambios de Medicare 2025. Las inscripciones en línea se pueden encontrar en el sitio de, o llamando a la agencia VCAAA al (805) 477-7300.

ABOUT: The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging, a division of the County of Ventura’s Human Services Agency, is charged with the responsibility to promote the development and implementation of a comprehensive coordinated system of care that enables older individuals, children and adults with disabilities, and their caregivers to live in a community-based setting. The VCAAA advocates for the needs of those 60 years and older in the county, providing leadership and promoting citizen involvement in the planning process as well as in the delivery of services.