District colleges placed on probation

The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges has moved all three of the Ventura County Community College District’s (VCCCD) colleges to “Probation” status due to deficiencies identified by the commission pertaining to the board and governance, the district reported Monday in a media release.

“The team report confirmed that board development activities had been provided and that all board members were encouraged to attend,” the commission stated in the release. “At the same time, the team expressed concern about the consistency and long-term sustainability of the board’s demonstration of its primary leadership role, and reiterates its recommendation for evidence of ongoing professional development for all board members. Specifically, the commission notes a particular board member’s disruptive and inappropriate behavior, and the entire board’s responsibility to address and curtail it.”

A probation status indicates the commission finds an institution deviating significantly from the commission’s Eligibility Requirements, Standards, or commission policies that gives concern to the commission. The commission is the accrediting agency that ensures its member institutions meet required institutional standards recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education, including mission, institutional effectiveness, student learning, student services, resources, leadership, and governance.

Accreditation status of the colleges continues during probation status; however, accreditation status cannot be reaffirmed until the recommendations for improvement have been satisfied.

The district and its colleges are now required to submit a special report addressing the Commission’s eligibility concerns by March 15, with a follow-up report regarding all district recommendations by October 15.  Both reports will be followed by a visit of commission representatives.

“The board recognizes and accepts the gravity of this situation and assures students, employees, and the community that we, as a full board, are committed to do what is necessary to rectify Commission concerns,” Stephen Blum, Chair of the Board of Trustees, stated in the media release.

“I am confident the board will move aggressively to satisfy all commission requirements. We will use this as an opportunity to improve,” said VCCCD Chancellor James Meznek.

The board of trustees will accept the commission report at its Feb. 14 board meeting, and a Special Board meeting will be scheduled to discuss and plan for the resolution of issues as stated by the commission.

Click here to view the commission letters.

Also read:

Ventura County Star — Ventura County community colleges put on probation