2024 Ventura County Mock Trial Winners – High School Division

VENTURA COUNTY — Trinity Pacific Christian School and Royal High School took the top two spots in the high school division of the 2024 Ventura County Mock Trial competition, which was held over two weekends at the Ventura County Hall of Justice. Twenty-one high schools from throughout Ventura County participated in Mock Trial this year. The winning teams were announced at an awards ceremony this evening at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center. Here’s how the eight highest-scoring high school teams ranked:

  1. Trinity Pacific Christian School, Team 1
  2. Royal High School
  3. Trinity Pacific Christian School, Team 2
  4. Santa Susana High School, Team 2
  5. Oak Park High School, Team 1
  6. Westlake High School, Team 2
  7. Oak Park High School, Team 2
  8. St. Augustine Academy, Team 2

The complete list of results in all of the various judging categories is available at this link.

Trinity Pacific will now go on to represent Ventura County in the California Mock Trial contest, which will take place in Los Angeles in March. Teams from Ventura County have taken first place at the state level in 2021, 2013, 2012, 2011, and 2008. A list of past Ventura County Mock Trial winners is available here.

More about the 2024 Ventura County Mock Trial — The Mock Trial competition is coordinated annually by the Ventura County Office of Education. The event brings courtroom drama to life as students take on the roles of participants in a criminal case, including attorneys, witnesses, bailiffs, and journalists. This year’s fictitious case, People v. Clark, was about the murder of a technology company CEO. The students present their cases in real courtrooms before actual judges. Local attorneys volunteer to serve as scorers. The Ventura County Office of Education would like to thank Superior Court Judge Gilbert Romero and all of the volunteers whose contributions make Mock Trial such an engaging and impactful educational experience.

This was the first time in its over 40-year history that the high school Mock Trial competition was held on weekends instead of weekday nights. The move meant students no longer had to stay up late on school nights and made transportation easier for students and their families.

The high schools that participated in this year’s Mock Trial are:

  • Adolfo Camarillo High School
  • Agoura High School
  • Buena High School
  • Channel Islands
  • Fillmore High School
  • Hueneme High School
  • La Reina High School
  • Newbury Park High School
  • Nordhoff High School
  • Oak Park High School
  • Oaks Christian School
  • Rio Mesa High School
  • Royal High School
  • Saint Bonaventure High School
  • Santa Paula High School
  • Santa Susana High School
  • St. Augustine Academy
  • Thousand Oaks High School
  • Trinity Pacific Christian School
  • Ventura High School
  • Westlake High School

Additional information about the 2024 Ventura County Mock Trial is available at vcoe.org/mocktrial

About the Ventura County Office of Education — The Ventura County Office of Education provides a broad array of fiscal, training, and technology support services to local school districts, helping to maintain and improve lifelong educational opportunities for children, educators, and community members. VCOE also operates schools that serve students with severe disabilities and behavioral issues, provides career education courses, and coordinates countywide academic competitions, including Mock Trial and the Ventura County Science Fair. Learn more at: www.vcoe.org