State Street commercial space in Santa Barbara transitions to Workforce Housing on Nov. 17

Officials attending the grand opening were Rob Fredericks, CEO of the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara, Pat Wheatley, Housing Authority Commission Chair, Congressman Salud Carbajal, Assemblyman Gregg Hart, Supervisor Das Williams, Santa Barbara Mayor Randy Rowse, representatives for State Senator Monique Limon and Ben Romo. Courtesy photos.

SANTA BARBARA — State Street commercial space transitioned on Nov. 17 to Workforce Housing with 14 residential studio apartments in Public-Private Partnership.

The Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara’s innovative Workforce Housing Program is designed to address the affordable housing needs of our community’s low to moderate income workforce who are increasingly caught in the gap between skyrocketing rents and ineligibility for other assistance.

The Housing Authority is committed to providing affordable housing to make it possible for more people to live where they work, in Santa Barbara. This approach benefits people who can keep transportation and other costs to a minimum, and have more time to spend with family, education, or career development. And benefits us all by minimizing the impact of commuting on our environment and quality of life in Santa Barbara.

Applications have already been accepted and closed for this property and new residents will be moving into their studios on December 20.

What: Grand opening of 821 State Street Workforce Housing downtown with 14 residential studio apartments.

Where: 821 State Street

When: Friday, November 17, 2023, 10AM-11:30AM

Why: Grand opening of 14 “below market rate” residential studio apartments for our local workforce.

About Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara — The Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara is a local public agency created for the purpose of providing safe, decent, and quality affordable housing and supportive services to eligible persons with limited incomes, through a variety of federal, state, local and private resources. Since 1969, the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara has developed and/or secured over 4,000 units of affordable rental housing for Santa Barbara through a variety of federal, state, local and private funding sources. For more information, please visit