Sparking Joy: Ventura County’s 31st Annual Holiday Toy Drive Returns to Brighten the Holidays

Community Donations Drive the Largest County-Wide Toy Drive
CAMARILLO — The Fire Departments of Ventura County, in collaboration with ABC7 and local sponsors, are rekindling the holiday spirit with the 31st annual Spark of Love toy drive. This cherished tradition has evolved into Ventura County’s most significant community toy drive, bringing happiness and joy to local children and teenagers every year.
This heartwarming community campaign centers around collecting new, unwrapped toys and sports equipment for underserved children and teenagers in Ventura County. In continued partnership with Food Share, an organization dedicated to leading the fight against hunger in Ventura County, Food Share will provide food boxes to families served through this year’s toy drive. Donations of non-perishable food and toys can be made at any participating location, ensuring that your generosity directly impacts our local community.
In 2022, the outpouring of generosity from our communities touched the lives of over 30,000 local children and teenagers. These gifts reached them through 75 County Agencies, nonprofits, and civic organizations, including children and caregivers served through the Human Services Agency, such as foster youth, Head Start, Farmworker Resource Program, Family Justice Center, Safe Passage, and our dedicated firefighters who worked tirelessly to deliver toys to children in our local hospitals.
The Spark of Love Toy Drive encapsulates the spirit of compassion, generosity, and community involvement during the holiday season. This festive campaign fosters inclusivity and care, ensuring that every child, regardless of their circumstances, can experience the excitement and magic of the holiday season.
How you can help make the holidays brighter for local children in need:
Spark of Love is only possible due to the on-going generosity of thousands of people in our communities across the region.
1)    DROP OFF unwrapped gifts and nonperishable food at your local Ventura County or Oxnard City fire station, Ventura City Fire Headquarters, or a participating business.
Find a business near you here:
All proceeds are tax-deductible and will be used to buy gifts supporting children and teenagers.
Together, we can keep the Spark of Love alive for children in Ventura County this holiday season!