AHA! (Attitude. Harmony. Achievement) Littlest Little Farm Moves to Montecito Union School’s Nature Lab

Courtesy photos.

MONTECITO — AHA! (Attitude. Harmony. Achievement) is thrilled to announce a new collaboration with Montecito Union School. AHA!’s Littlest Little Farm, launched in Fall 2019, has moved from a private residence to MUS’s Nature Lab.

The Nature Lab at Montecito Union School (MUS) invites learners to imagine, build, and get messy in nature as they care for the planet and one another. They do this by creating and sustaining an experiential outdoor ecosystem rooted in 1) Biodynamic/Regenerative Agriculture, 2) Nature-Inspired Making & Arts Collaboratory, and 3) Environment as Agent of Challenge & Wonder. This provides endless possibilities to grow within a unique and ever-evolving natural setting. While Nature Lab is used by MUS students every school day, part of our mission is to share this resource with the larger community. 

AHA!, a local non-profit serving teens, families, and educators in Santa Barbara County, utilizes a unique social and emotional learning (SEL) model that gives young people the tools to feel safe, seen, and emotionally connected as part of a positive peer community. AHA! teens and facilitators will assist in all aspects of caring for the Nature Lab’s garden and tending the livestock (baby goats, chickens, and a tortoise). Students earn a $40 stipend per four-week cycle or community service hours.

One third of the harvested produce will be donated to community partners, including Storyteller Children’s Center.

Teens 13 to 18 years are invited to enroll in four-week sessions, which meet on Saturdays from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM. 

To enroll, contact Paulina Romero, AHA! Enrollment Coordinator

(805) 229-1079 paulina@ahasb.org
