The Little House By The Park Receives $140k Grant From Central Coast Creative Corps For Artist Led Outreach Initiatives

Artists Across Multiple Disciplines Will Advance Civic Engagement,
Public Health, Social Justice, and Climate Resilience Across the Central Coast

SANTA BARBARA — Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara County (FSA) announced that its family resource center in Guadalupe, The Little House by the Park (LHP), has been selected receive a $140,000 grant as part of the Central Coast Creative Corps (CCCC) Program, a pilot grant program funded by the California Arts Council.

The grant award will fund LHP to work with a Central Coast-based artist for one year. The artist will work in collaboration with a parent-led advocacy group known as the Guadalupe Community Changers, a parent-led organization that supports the development of community projects, encourages other parents to be more engaged in their children’s education, and offers leadership opportunities to increase civic participation.

“This opportunity will strengthen our organization’s outreach and advocacy efforts by increasing our program’s visibility and by expanding our community engagement work,” said Samuel Duarte, Community Engagement/Leadership Development Manager. “Integrating culturally relevant art into the Community Changer’s campaigns and projects, can increase participation and discussion among the underrepresented members of our community.”

“We look forward to working with The Little House By The Park over the next year and seeing the impact it has on our communities,” said Hannah Rubalcava, Grants & Contracts Manager, Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture, lead administering organization for the Central Coast Creative Corps.

The Central Coast Creative Corps is shared and administered by county-designated arts agencies from all six counties. This program is part of the California Creative Corps, developed by the California Arts Council in partnership with the State legislature. California Creative Corps is an economic and workforce recovery pilot program intended to support pandemic recovery and the environmental, civic, and social engagement of California’s most disproportionately impacted communities.

Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara County (FSA) is a nonprofit social service agency that has served the people of Santa Barbara County since 1899. Operating as Santa Maria Valley Youth and Family Center (SMVYFC) in Santa Maria and Little House By The Park (LHP) in Guadalupe, FSA helps the community’s most vulnerable children, families, and seniors meet their basic needs while simultaneously addressing mental health needs. Through this holistic approach, FSA improves the strength and well-being of our community. All services are provided free or on a sliding fee/donation scale and no one is denied assistance because of an inability to pay. Visit or call (805) 965-1001 for more information.

About the Central Coast Creative Corps — Central Coast Creative Corps is a six-agency Central Coast Arts Coalition program, funded by the California Arts Council. The Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture is committed to nurturing a sustainable arts and culture sector, promoting equitable access for all, and empowering the creative communities to innovate, collaborate, and thrive. More information about the Central Coast Creative Corps can be found at