May 6 — Social Justice Fund for Ventura County announces event promoting health equity in Nyeland Acres

The Social Justice Fund invites you to join us on May 6th to learn more about the work of one of our Fellows, Brenda Heredia, and the movement for promoting health equity in Nyeland Acres!

Please click here to find more details and RSVP. We look forward to seeing you there!

As our SJFVC Fellows progress through their projects, the SJFVC wants to highlight the thoughtful and compassionate leadership displayed by these wonderful individuals. They demonstrate a form of leadership that prioritizes the voices and needs of the communities they work alongside. Thanks to supporters like you, our Fellows have the ability to address particular forms of inequity and deepen their support of their communities.

Healthy Nyeland Acres:
Brenda Heredia

Brenda organized a community health fair on April 1st where Nyeland Acres community members could enjoy a free Zumba class and access to free health resources such as glucose testing, dental health, and nutrition classes. Brenda continues to offer weekly Zumba classes to residents and is hoping to make this a more permanent resource for her community. Please join us on May 6th as we celebrate the work of Brenda and celebrate and learn more about the community of Nyeland Acres!

Dafne Aguilar & Victoria Palomares
Dafne and Victoria are continuing to hold their community workshops to support LGBTQ+ youth, parents, and caregivers of LGBTQ+ youth. These workshops provide a space that is both safe and educational. They were also recently honored by the Diversity Collective of Ventura County for their extraordinary work! Congratulations!
Dexter Nunnery

Dexter has been reaching out to organizations in the Black community to facilitate the use of county services in the Black community. Dexter held a meet-and-greet for PROJECT50 this past weekend where he provided an atmosphere of conversation and provided testimonials and data to illustrate the work of his organization.

Saticoy Farmers Market:
Sierra Doehr
Sierra continues to patiently wait for an official start date for the Saticoy Farmers Market. In the meantime, Sierra received a capacity grant from the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program, celebrated the one-year anniversary for the community fridge, continues to build out her team, and is making vital connections with their community and organizations in Ventura County. Sierra will also be hosting an event on May 6th! Stay tuned for more information!
Oxnard Birthworkers:
Fatima Chavez & Zuleima Jimenez
Zuleima and Fatima have been busy with their educational workshops. In March, they held two workshops on pregnancy and birth support and this month they will hold two workshops on postpartum support. These workshops feature guest speakers, educational resources, and free tote bags filled with resources and care essentials for participants.

Our 2022 Fellows are breaking new ground. Their work is reaching hundreds of individuals throughout Ventura County and addressing food insecurity, LGBTQ+ pride and identity, equity, and access to resources. Your donations make their work possible. You are helping our Fellows build confidence and develop the skills to continue this work. Please continue your support by clicking the link below.


Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you on May 6th to support Brenda and the community of Nyeland Acres! Please click here to find more details and RSVP.

With sincere gratitude,

Michael Teasdale
Social Justice Fund for VC

Rabiah Rahman

Vice Chair
Social Justice Fund for VC

Kathryn Kinberg

Program Manager
Social Justice Fund for VC

The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County funds and empowers future leaders
promoting fairness, equity, human & environmental rights in our community.