March 22 — Bilingual report — Economic Development Collaborative (EDC), Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) partnering to bring you a WEVWorks Webinar: Weathering the Economic Storm – helping small business owners feel prepared

CENTRAL COAST — The Economic Development Collaborative(EDC) and Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) are partnering to bring you a WEVWorks Webinar: Weathering the Economic Storm – helping small business owners feel prepared.

Free webinar, March 22 from 12pm – 1pm.

Register today:…/reg…/WN_yYPaDt8XRxO24RJVidqf5Q

Live translation to Spanish will be available!

Learn how to prepare your business for periods of inflation and recession.

At this webinar you’ll hear a general economic outlook from Peter Rupert, founder of UCSB’s Economic Forecast Project, followed by specific small business guidance from Ray Bowman and Gonzalo Fernandez of the EDC Small Business Development Center. Nicki Parr from WEV will be the moderator, and there will be a Q&A session.


Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) y Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) se han asociado para ofrecerte un seminario web deWEVWorks: Superando la tormenta económica: ayudando a las pequeñas empresas a sentirse preparadas.

Seminario web gratuito, 22 de marzo de 12:00 a 13:00. Regístrate hoy:…/reg…/WN_yYPaDt8XRxO24RJVidqf5Q

Aprende cómo preparar tu negocio para períodos de inflación y recesión.

En este seminario web, escucharás una perspectiva económica general de Peter Rupert, fundador del UCSB Economic Forecast Project (Proyecto de Pronóstico Económico de UCSB), seguido de una guía específica para pequeñas empresas de Ray Bowman y Gonzalo Fernández del EDC Small Business Development Center (Centro de Desarrollo de Pequeñas Empresas de EDC). Nicki Parr de WEV será la moderadora, y habrá una sesión de preguntas y respuestas.