Ventura County Arts Council — New! Central Coast Creative Corps Grant; CreArtive Freedom Family Show at the Atrium

Voice of the

March 2023 | Vol. 4, No. 1

Calling all artists and community-based organizations working on the Central Coast!

We are excited to share that the Central Coast Creative Corps program has launched today. Twenty-three $140,000 grants are available for organizations to hire artists to work on creative solutions addressing public health, climate impact, civic engagement, or social justice. $100,000 goes directly to the participating artist for a year-long engagement.

Organizations: The deadline to apply is May 1, 2023. Download the guidelines. Learn more at

Artists: Join the Artist Directory.

Now at the Atrium Gallery

Don’t miss our latest Atrium Gallery exhibition, Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present – Imagining Our Future… curated by Oxnard’s The CreArtive Freedom Family in recognition of Black History Month, now showing at the the Government Center Hall of Administration through March 16. There will be a special closing reception open to the public featuring moving art performances by The CreArtive Freedom Family and the OxChord Dance Group.

Youth Poet Laureate Application

We are still accepting applications from emerging poets between the ages of 13 to 19 to be selected as the next Ventura County Youth Poet Laureate. If you or someone you know is a young writer and leader committed to poetry, performance and community engagement, visit our website to apply by May 31.

Poetry Out Loud Winner

Ventura County Poetry Out Loud Contestants, from left: Bella Lopez, Javan Salinas, Sofia Noriega & Ishva Patel.

Congratulations to Sofia Noriega, first place winner of our annual Ventura County Poetry Out Loud contest, which was held at Villanova School in Ojai last month, and to the other contestants who worked hard preparing for the competition. Sofia will go on to compete in the California State Poetry Out Loud competition. The Poetry Out Loud program, sponsored by the California Arts Council, advances spoken poetry among high school students through oral interpretations of published poems.

Free Resource for Performing Arts Orgs

The Performing Arts Readiness project offers free webinars, on-site training, and presentations at professional conferences on various topics related to emergency preparedness for performing arts organizations. Check out their website for upcoming offeringsthis month, covering such topics and safety and security, fire and emergency protection plan development, cybersecurity and more.

Bring Artists to Your Classroom

There’s still time to bring visual or performing arts education to your school during the remainder of this school year through our Artists in the Classroom program! Visit our website to learn more about our amazing teaching artists and to register for the program.

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You can support VCAC and our local arts programming while doing your usual online shopping! Make your purchases through our custom link on AmazonSmile, or visit and designate Ventura County Arts Council as your charity. Or from a mobile device on the Amazon app, turn on AmazonSmile in “settings” from the main menu, then designate Ventura County Arts Council as your charity.
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