Nov. 17 — Conejo/Las Virgenes Future Foundation Presents Future of the Region at Annual Event

THOUSAND OAKS — The Conejo/Las Virgenes Future Foundation will present its eighth annual 10×10 Event on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 6:30 p.m. at the Lundring Event Center (in the Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center) at California Lutheran University. The 10 x10 is a community-wide event that consists of 10 experts speaking on 10 different topics for 10 minutes each. 

This year’s topics include: Technology in Law – Captain Jennifer Seetoo, Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff Station; Technology in Mental Health – Andrew Leuchter, MD, Distinguished Professor & Director, Neuromodulation Division at UCLA, TMS Clinical and Research Service; Technology in Mobility –Ricardo Venegas, Associate Director, Partnering, BMW Designworks; Technology in Water – John Zhao, Director of Facilities and Operations, Las Virgenes Municipal Water District; Technology in Retail – Aaron Spector, Vice President, Specialty Leasing, Macerich; Technology in Medicine: Robotics – Christopher DeSimone, DO, Surgeon, Specializing in Robotic Surgery, Los Robles Health System; Technology in Sports – Nick Llanos, Research and Development Engineer, Easton Diamond Sports; Technology in Fire – Drew Smith, Assistant Fire Chief, Los Angeles County Fire Department; Technology in Biotech – Chris Hale, Principal Scientist, Amgen’s Research Biomic Group; and Conejo/Las Virgenes Future Foundation: 50 Years & Going Strong! – Dennis Washburn, CLVFF Vice Chair and 32 year Trustee.

The Future Foundation hopes to foster thought and further discussion on the future of our region as the community continues to grow and change. The Future Foundation is a think tank organization that has looked at quality of life issues in our region since 1972 and has fostered discussion that led to the development of Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency, the Conejo Valley Unified School District, and the Civic Arts Plaza, to name just a few.

The 10×10 is sponsored by Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, Southern California Gas Company, UCLA Health,

Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce, California Lutheran University, and The Acorn Newspapers. 

Register for the event at  The event is free, but a $10 donation is requested at the door.  For more information, please contact or call (818) 880-1054.