Nov. 9 — Ventura Land Trust Announces Mariano Rancho Preserve Community Meetings

Mariano Rancho Preserve. Courtesy photos.

VENTURA — Ventura Land Trust (VLT) will host a series of community meetings on topics related to the newly-conserved Mariano Rancho Preserve. At each meeting, VLT staff will provide an overview of current plans for the 1,645-acre preserve in the hills north of Ventura, and community members will have the opportunity to ask questions and offer feedback.

A meeting on Trails & Recreation will be held on Wednesday, November 9th at De Anza (DATA) Middle School in Ventura from 6:30 – 8:00. The final meeting on Land Conservation and Restoration will be held on Wednesday, December 7th at Ventura Missionary Church from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

“The hills of Mariano Rancho Preserve are the backdrop to Ventura,” says Ventura Land Trust Executive Director Melissa Baffa, “and yet, when this preserve opens to the public in the next few years, it will be the first time many people will experience them.” 

“These meetings are a chance for VLT to introduce Mariano Rancho Preserve to the community, share some of the opportunities and challenges we face, and include the community in the process. Everyone has a stake in protecting and preserving these hills.”

Mariano Rancho Preserve was purchased by VLT in 2020 for $4 million. In June 2022, VLT was awarded $7.2 million from the State of California to the complete the conservation of the property and fund the infrastructure needed to open the preserve to the public in coming years. The eastern edge of Mariano Rancho Preserve contains one of the famous “Two Trees.” The western corner of the property is adjacent to Ventura’s Grant Park, home to the Ventura Botanical Gardens. The preserve is not currently open to the public.

Guests are encouraged to RSVP for free for each of the three community meetings at Questions and comments from the public can be submitted before meetings via a form on each online event listing. 

Each community meeting will be recorded by CAPS Media and made available on VLT’s YouTube channel for viewing. Spanish language translation services will be offered at each event. Free parking is available. Find updates and more information at

About Ventura Land Trust — The mission of Ventura Land Trust is to permanently protect the land, water, wildlife and scenic beauty of the Ventura region for current and future generations. Founded in 2003, Ventura Land Trust believes that preserving open space and providing public access enhances the economy, quality of life, and public well-being of Ventura and surrounding communities. The organization currently owns and manages land along the Ventura River and in the Ventura hillsides, including the 2,100-acre Harmon Canyon Preserve and the 1,645-acre Mariano Rancho Preserve. All preserves are open to the public daily from dawn to dusk for free. Ventura Land Trust is an accredited member of the Land Trust Alliance.