Oct. 13 — Finding the Pathway Home: An Introduction to the Methods that Enable a Shared Crossing

The free webinar “Finding the Pathway Home: An Introduction to the Methods that Enable a Shared Crossing” will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13.

Hosted by Author and Founder of Shared Crossing Project William Peters, with Special Guest – Dr. Martha Jo Atkins, End of Life Counselor, Teacher and FilmMaker. This free webinar is an introduction to how to experience a shared crossing – a beautiful experience with someone at the end of a life that suggests loving connection and communication beyond this human realm.

William will follow up the webinar with a 3-day, in-person and online course for people wanting to learn the methods that will allow them to experience a shared crossing with their loved ones and/ or clients. This course will take place Live in Santa Barbara from October 21-23, OR Live Online from November 11-13.

This webinar will introduce you to the methods that will enable you and your loved ones to:
MANIFEST a conscious, connected and loving end of life experience.
ENABLE a shared death experience and other shared crossings.
REALIZE that our bonds with loved ones continue beyond human death.

To learn more and reserve your seat for this FREE spiritually transformational learning experience, please visit: https://www.sharedcrossing.com/Pathway-webinar

*If you are unable to attend the webinar live, please sign up anyway so that we can email you the recording.