3 GREAT reasons to attend VCCDC 10th Annual Homeownership Conference

Later this month…
3 Great Reasons to Attend…
1. FREE workshops for homebuyers and homeowners
2. Access up to $100,000 in down payment assistance
3. Network with loan officers, financial coaches and other industry experts
And NEW for 2022
While you’re here, why not get signed up for the conference now?!
¡Disfruta de la 10a Conferencia Anual Virtual para Compradores y Dueños De Casa en Español!
Check out our video below!
2022 Homeowership Conference
What is the Homeownership Conference?
Join us online for a free event on our virtual platform from 11:00am – 3:30pm!
Our 10th Annual Homeownership Conference happening next month on June 25. It has grown from being our region’s largest homeownership event to a can’t-miss virtual conference for homebuyers and homeowners across Central and Southern California.
Enjoy workshops on relevant topics for homebuyers and homeowners; network with industry experts; learn about programs offering more than $100,000 in down payment or closing costs assistance, and participate in fun games with opportunities to win up to $200 in gift cards. New for 2022 is our Virtual Loan Center which will provide interested homebuyers the opportunity to be pre-qualified on the day of event.