New Hires Lead the way at the Mental Wellness Center

The Dynamic Trio includes Alexis Freeborn, Assistant Director of the MWC Wellness and Recovery Programs, Gabriela Dodson as the new Director of MWC Wellness and Recovery Programs and Vicente Garcia Jr., the new Assistant Director of the MWC Wellness and Recovery Programs. Courtesy photo.

SANTA BARBARA — The Mental Wellness Center (MWC) is celebrating 75 years of providing mental health services to the people of Santa Barbara.

For 30 of those years, Annmarie Cameron has served as the organization’s CEO, nurturing it from a small to mid-sized nonprofit that serves thousands of people every year.

“We’ve expanded the way we approach our work,” Cameron said. “We aim to catch people earlier rather than waiting for them to become mentally unwell. We understand the value of early intervention and prevention, the sooner you address it, the better the outcomes are.”

During the past couple of years, providing timely prevention and mental wellness treatment has been a challenge, especially in the days when face-to-face interaction wasn’t possible. The MWC was able to adapt by using video to stream meetings and educational opportunities when gathering wasn’t possible. At other times, socially distanced services were available in person.

The MWC will roll out in-person interactions in the Spring. A recent grant has allowed Cameron to hire people to spearhead new programs and initiatives to serve those in the community who are struggling with anxiety, depression, or making social connections.

“We’ve hired two brand new people and I’ve promoted someone ‘in house’,” Cameron said.

This “dynamic trio,” as Cameron calls the group, will help create Community Wellness Programs that will allow the center to maintain a full schedule of activities from morning, noon and night.

The dynamic trio includes Gabriela Dodson as the new Director of Wellness and Recovery Programs, a position that pairs well with her previous experience working in holistic programming. As a licensed clinical social worker, Dodson previously worked with public defenders to help people experiencing homelessness or mental illness. She supported people in their interactions with the justice system, with the goal of diverting them to community-based programs.

At the MWC, Dodson hopes to enhance social connection, wellness activities and community support offerings.

“We want to hear from individuals and families to learn what needs they have,” Dodson said. “Some people are searching for structured support groups and others may be looking for casual wellness activities. Many will be looking for support for a friend or a loved one.”

“Fortunately, the Mental Wellness Center has a large location with classrooms and a 5000 square foot patio that can be used for a variety of events, such as music, art, tai chi, and yoga,” Cameron said. “There will also continue to be offerings like the Fellowship Club, which provides access to peer Wellness and Recovery Coaches and other daily activities, including the Care Closet (an on-site thrift store), a computer lab and an art studio.

Next in the dynamic trio is the new Assistant Director of Wellness and Recovery Programs, Vicente Garcia Jr., a Santa Barbara native who comes from a career in youth justice programming. He recently completed his master’s degree in counseling and has a passion for helping people.

“He is a passionate mental health advocate,” Cameron said. “He has the right heart and motivation for the job. He cares about the community and now has the skills to be that much more effective.”

Alexis Freeborn rounds out the dynamic trio with her promotion to Assistant Director of Wellness and Recovery Programs. Prior to the promotion, as the manager of the MWC Education Programs, Alexis led the Wellness Connection Council, a youth program of the MWC, as well as other educational programs. She is completing her master’s degree in counseling.

Cameron added, “These three leaders will combine their personal expertise and passion for community mental wellness to make the Mental Wellness Center a place where healing and recovery take root.”

For more information about programs at the Mental Wellness Center, visit

About Mental Wellness Center — Celebrating 75 years of service to Santa Barbara, the Mental Wellness Center has been a community leader in building hope for individuals and families, providing support in recovery and raising awareness of mental health. This important organization provides mental health education to local students, a residential services program which safely provides a home to more than 100 community members across seven residential sites, and serves individuals and families impacted by mental illness through support groups, employment services, and social connection programs like the Fellowship Club, an on-site social day club and safe space with resources for those working on their mental health and wellness.