Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County: Mentors of the Year Announced

VENTURA COUNTY — Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County (BBSVC)?is honored to announce the agency’s Bigs of the Year for 2022, a recognition awarded to the volunteer mentors who have demonstrated exemplary commitment to their “Littles” (youth mentees) and who have gone above and beyond in their efforts for the agency as well as the greater community. This year’s awardees are Kevin Gamboa and Karyn Hagy; Karyn is also the Big of the Year for California Statewide, a recognition that nominates her as Big of the Year for Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.

“Our agency is proud of every Big and Little, and their unique mentoring journeys,” says Danica Selvaggio, Interim CEO of BBSVC. “This year, we’re grateful for the opportunity to recognize Karyn and Kevin for the many ways they dedicate themselves to youth mentorship and to BBSVC as an agency. We also want to recognize the dedication of their Littles, Marcie and Dorian – it’s a special thing to see when a match grows into a bond that will last forever.”

  • Karyn Hagy (Big Sister of the Year 2022 for Ventura County and California Statewide)?– Karyn wanted to honor the female role models in her life by becoming a mentor herself. She was matched with Marcie, who was shy and felt misunderstood. Karyn was always there for Marcie through thick and thin, and she supported her decisions and cheered her on. For almost 6 years, they have done activities like golf, which Marcie says has given her a lot more patience. They bake together, get their nails done, and play with Karyn’s golden retriever, Finn. As a former Director of Fund Development with BBSVC, Karyn built communication and a partnership between BBSVC and the Los Angeles Rams, with several players coming forward to support agency youth. She has helped other Littles fulfill their dreams of playing football by driving them to practice. She is known for making things happen for not just her Little Marcie, but everyone.
  • Kevin Gamboa (Big Brother of the Year 2022 for Ventura County)?– Kevin has been matched with his Little Brother, Dorian, since 2016, and has gone above and beyond in supporting Dorian’s well-being. He demonstrates this by always being a constant source of support and by being available to talk to his Little at any time – day or night – to help Dorian get through rough patches. Kevin and Dorian find it fascinating to listen to and learn from each other, and they prioritize their conversations together. Kevin created and now co-leads the “Big Ambassadors” group (a committee of Bigs who meet on a regular basis to discuss volunteer needs, requests, and who represent the agency at the volunteer level). He is also coming up with new and fun ways to have mentoring matches socialize and have fun together in groups. Whenever there has been an opportunity to help the agency, Kevin always raises his hand.

BBSVC will formally recognize the 2022 Bigs of the Year, as well as other volunteers and community partners, at agency events such as BBSVC’s Open House on Thursday, May 12, an event that is open to the community. For more information about the Bigs of the Year or BBSVC’s Open House, call 805.484.2282 or email

Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBSVC) has been helping youth in Ventura County and neighboring communities realize their potential for over 50 years. Facilitating more than 1,500 one-to-one mentoring relationships annually, BBSVC is committed to bringing this life-changing program to every child who needs it. BBSVC is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that depends on private donors for 75% of its funding. To donate, become a mentor, or learn more about BBSVC, please call?805-484-2282?or visit?