Best of 2021 from People’s Self-Help Housing!

Dear Friend,

It’s been another year like no other, but one marked with so much success because of strong partnerships, faithful support and visionary investments. Thank you for the part you have played in these stories, every one only possible because of the advocacy, the goodwill and the philanthropic support of people like you.

Thank you for continuing to build so much more than housing with us!

Camino Scholar to Ph.D Candidate
The spring marked a milestone – our first Camino Scholar to be accepted into a Ph.D program! In April, Alycia Rasmussen, entered into the UC Davis’ Microbiology Ph.D program and Graduate Fellowship. Alycia has been an inspiration to all our 600 Camino Scholars who have continued to work hard to keep their grades up and are aiming as high as Alycia with their academic dreams! Keep students learning with a gift to education.
First Keys in Monterey County
This fall, seven new homeowners got the keys to their self-help homes in King City! Building on this success, PSHH has acquired a second site in Monterey County and looks forward to working with future owner-builders in the construction of 36 more self-help homes. Build more opportunities for future homeowners!
Twenty Years of Compassion
The Resident Assistance Fund marked 20 years of supporting PSHH residents through financial crisis. When medical bills, or the need for specialized equipment, displaced the ability to buy food or keep up with the utilities, for two decades the Fund has been there restoring dignity and independence. Continue the care with your gift to the Resident Assistance Fund.
50 More Units for Central Coast
In collaboration with the 5Cities Homeless Coalition, construction began at Pismo Terrace, a 1.2 acre site which will bring 50 more units of new affordable housing to the Central Coast. This beautiful project, close to the coast and natural areas was approved, funded, and planned in record time! Keep building so much more than housing!
A Warm Welcome Home
Heath House, a beloved historic building in Santa Barbara, was reimagined into a home for formerly homeless women.  The fully restored property has been able to provide a safe, and supportive environment, one with access to counseling, career advice and a strong foundation from which to rebuild lives. Bring more people home with your year end gift.
There were many more stories like these throughout this past year. To see more, take a look at our 2020-21 Impact Report!

Thank you for all your support! We hope you keep building more than housing with us in 2022.
Make your year-end gift today!