Oct. 20 — CLU School of Management to present MPPA student capstone project presentation (Virtual), tomorrow, other events

Additional events for you to join in on:

Wednesday, October 20   |   5:00 PM (In-person and livestream)

Join us for a dedication ceremony honoring Steven D. Dorfman’s generous gift to the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship. At this event, we are pleased to host entrepreneur Laura Moreno, who will share her journey as a Latina business owner in a keynote address. Moreno’s keynote also kicks off Women Entrepreneurship Week 2021. Attendees will have an opportunity to meet students, faculty, community members and local entrepreneurs. Refreshments will be provided.

The event is free but registration is required. The event will also be livestreamed for remote viewing. An email with the livestream link will be sent to registrants choosing the online option.

Sponsored by: Steven Dorfman Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Register for Ceremony and Entrepreneur Speaker Series
Tues., October 19   |   2:00 PM

Mr. Cosentino will help discuss how to better serve clients giving them an understanding of what trust companies do and how to communicate that with clients.

Sponsored by: MS in Financial Planning Program

Webinar on ZOOM –  LEARN MORE

Register for Next Gen Mentoring Forum
Mon., November 22   |   5:00 PM (PDT)

Jeremy Greene, vice president and head of data science at Retina AI, will join us to discuss careers in the field and what makes a good data scientist. This is an interactive, virtual event. Greene will take audience questions.

Sponsored by: MSIT Program


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