United Way of Ventura County — Nomadland author announced as keynote speaker

October 2021 E-Newsletter
Dear Friends,
We’re excited to announce that the keynote speaker for our 2nd annual homelessness symposium will be Jessica Bruder, author of Nomadland—the book that is the basis for the Oscar-winning film. Please save the date for Friday, February 4, 2022 for this important virtual event.
It’s hard to believe that 2022 is just around the corner, but thanks to your continued generosity, your United Way has been able to navigate this incredibly challenging year. Because of your generosity, our programs have continued to serve those in need. Because of your generosity, our homelessness initiative has exceeded expectations since its launch almost two years ago—supporting individuals, families, seniors, and veterans. Our housing successes include: a veteran undergoing chemotherapy, a single mother seven months pregnant, a senior about to celebrate his birthday after spending the last several birthdays without a home, a mother one month away from reunification with her young son, and a family of six living in a car for months with a medically compromised child.
Our Building Healthy Smiles Initiative delivered oral health assessments to local schools. Our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program ensured that eligible workers were able to file a tax return free of charge and to get the refund they earned. We also helped mobilize virtual volunteers to assist nonprofits throughout our community when they needed us most.
Your renewed support of the Community Impact Fund ensures that our programs continue to serve those in need and that, together, we’re making a real difference in the lives of your neighbors. Live heroic and give generously today.
In service,
Eric Harrison
President & CEO
United Way of Ventura County
To make the greatest difference, direct your contribution to the Community Impact Fund, which supports the focus areas of Education, Income, and Health. Thank you for supporting us and your community!
You can make change happen with your voice. United Way needs people who are passionate about education, income, and health to make some noise. To stay informed, visit vcunitedway.org/advocate. To become involved in our advocacy work, email info@vcunitedway.org
Get involved in your community! Find a volunteer opportunity today.
Save the Date! United to End Homelessness Ventura County Symposium
February 4, 2022
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program Now Recruiting Volunteers for Tax Season
VITA Volunteers to provide free tax preparation for low/moderate wage earners.
Join a team of dedicated volunteers who prepare and file state and federal income tax returns for low-wage earners, helping them access the tax credits for which they are eligible. Tax preparation sites will be open February through May 2022 at multiple locations across Ventura County with varying days and hours of operation. There will also be an opportunity to prepare returns virtually.
Prior experience is not required as training is provided and volunteers work in teams led by an experienced tax preparer. This is an excellent opportunity for students who are pursuing a career in accounting or business to gain job experience. Volunteers are assigned to a VITA program site and asked to volunteer 4 hours per week for the duration of the 2021-22 tax season (February through May).
For questions, contact Susan Englund at susan.englund@vcunitedway.org or 805.485.6288, x226.
CA COVID-19 Rent Relief Program
California’s Eviction Protections Changed October 1: Renters & Landlords
The CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program covers 100% of unpaid rent and utilities for eligible renters and their landlords who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will continue accepting applications until all funds are exhausted. Beginning October 1, 2021, state eviction protections changed, and a renter should apply to the program if they haven’t already, to prevent eviction.
Assistance from the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program does NOT count as earned income for renters and will NOT affect eligibility for any other California state benefit assistance programs, such as CalFresh and CalWORKS. Applying to the program will not impact your residency status or impact path to citizenship.
Visit HousingIsKey.com, call 833.430.2122, or by text “RENT” to 211-211 to apply. If you’ve already applied to the program, log in to the application portal to check your status.
Mentors Needed for Women United Education Award Recipients
Women United is seeking potential mentors in professional positions who would like to guide a single mom college student in reaching her career goals. This year, eight new recipients of the Women United Education Award are looking to work with a mentor who will guide, encourage, and support them in their professional journey. The career goals of the students looking to be matched are in the following fields:
  • Accounting & Finance
  • College Counseling
  • Business Administration
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Dentistry
  • Law
Serving as a mentor is a unique and rewarding experience. Your leadership skills will be enhanced and the guidance you provide will positively impact the life of a single mother pursuing her higher education and career goals. This opportunity will provide a valuable experience for both the mentor and mentee.
Proficiency in the listed fields is not a requirement to serve as a mentor. Anyone who has professional experience in a business environment and is willing to share their knowledge with a mentee is encouraged to become a mentor.
To learn more, contact Aubrey Blickman at aubrey.blickman@vcunitedway.org or Susan Englund at susan.englund@vcunitedway.org.
LIVE United! Volunteer and Make
a Difference Today!
Interested in volunteering and making a difference in the community? United Way’s Volunteer Ventura County (VVC) center is a great resource to connect with volunteer opportunities. VVC partners with more than 250 community organizations in Ventura County that post their needs for folks to view and respond to. There are a variety of causes and opportunities to connect with – from helping with COVID-19 rapid response and recovery, to youth, veterans, families, homelessness, events, and more!
Current featured volunteer opportunities include:
To learn more and register, visit volunteerventuracounty.org or contact
Did you know that United Way of Ventura County has gone mobile? Make a $10 donation to the United Way’s Community Impact Fund using your cellphone. Your donation counts! Simply text the keyword UWVC to 91999. Standard message & data rates apply.
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