FOOD Share challenges community to participate in 30 ways in 30 days during Hunger Action Month

Online calendar provides 30 days of simple suggestions in September to help feed the hungry

The concept is simple but the potential pay-off is huge. If every single individual, family and business makes the personal commitment to take action to battle hunger during the month of September, FOOD Share, Ventura County’s regional food bank, can continue feeding more than 74,500 people that visit its 150 pantry partners each month, the organization reported in a media release this week.

In September, FOOD Share is promoting a 30-day Hunger Action Month calendar on its website and offering simple suggestions anyone can implement to help feed the hungry in Ventura County.

You can also click on the image above to see a PDF of the calendar.

“Whether it is skipping your morning latte and contributing the cost, buying an extra bag of groceries and donating it to FOOD Share or growing a backyard garden and sharing your harvest, if we all work together, we will successfully eradicate hunger in Ventura County,” said Bonnie Weigel, FOOD Share CEO.

Throughout the month, Republic Services Inc., a leading provider of solid waste collection, transfer and disposal services, is supporting Hunger Action Month by encouraging the public to drop off FOOD Share donations at their Oxnard location, 111 So. Del Norte Blvd. For every pound of food they receive, Republic Services Inc. will donate $.15 to FOOD Share.

FOOD Share relies on community support and is currently restocking its shelves in preparation for the upcoming holiday season when more people turn to local food banks for assistance.

About FOOD Share

The food bank distributing millions of pounds of food each year to those in need throughout Ventura County, FOOD Share collects and receives food year-round, distributing through more than 150 pantry partner agencies throughout Ventura County, including Camarillo, Fillmore, Moorpark, Oak View, Ojai, Oxnard, Santa Paula, Simi Valley, Somis, Thousand Oaks, and Ventura.

FOOD Share provides food to more than 74,000 people each month countywide through its partner agencies and multiple programs. Programs include the Senior Brown Bag that provides supplemental nutrition to nearly 2,000 low income seniors, home delivered meals and supplemental groceries through the Oxnard and Ventura Senior Nutrition Programs and, the Kids’ Farmers’ Markets, offering nutrition education, healthy recipe preparation and taste testing and a farmers’ market free fresh produce “shopping experience.”

In 2011, FOOD Share partnered with Ventura County’s Human Services Agency to provide expanded CalFresh enrollment assistance. CalFresh, formerly called food stamps, is the largest federal nutrition assistance program that provides supplemental nutrition assistance to eligible Ventura County residents.

For more information: call 805.983-7100 or go to