Ventura County Arts Council — Getting $$ for VC arts/artists — Immediate Comments Needed!

Immediate Comments Needed!
As you may know, we have been advocating that the County of Ventura set aside 1% of the American Rescue Plan Fund money they received from the federal government to support the arts.
They are making decisions on how to
spend this money TOMORROW!
Do you have time to submit a well-written comment to the supervisors (EMAIL HERE by 12 noon TODAY!) or provide verbal comment at their meeting on tomorrow (REGISTER HERE)? The meeting is virtual and begins at 8:30 a.m.
You can view this letter that we recently sent to the Board of Supervisors for ideas of what to say. It would also be wonderful for you to speak from your heart and your experience and how the pandemic has impacted your work in the creative sector.
Here is the Tuesday agenda. The item is #32. Make sure to reference the item number in the subject of your email if you choose to send an email, or in the registration form where indicated if you choose to register to provide verbal comment.
Thank you!