Remembering Mexico: Mexican Consulate Debuts New Art Exhibitions to Mark Multiple Historic Commemorations

Courtesy photo.

OXNARD — The Mexican Consulate in Oxnard, with support from the Port of Hueneme and the Oxnard Performing Arts Center Corporation (OPAC), will celebrate numerous historical commemorations, including Mexican Independence Day, with the opening of two art exhibitions.

Twenty twenty-one marks the Bicentennial of the Consummation of Mexican Independence and 500 years of the historical Memory of Tenochtitlan, the fall of the Aztec empire. On September 15, 2021, the Consulate of Mexico in Oxnard presents two exhibitions of Mexican art that celebrate the past and connect us to the present with contemporary work.  One exhibit brings visitors closer to the giants of mid-20th century Mexican Art, including Leopoldo Mendez, Rufino Tamayo, Clemente Orozco, Francisco Toledo, Jose luis Cuevas, Fanny Rabel, and others through the incredible Mexican Print Collection of Gil García and Marti Correa de García from Santa Barbara, CA.

The Mexican Print Collection was curated by renowned Mexican artist Rafael Perea de la Cabada, who will also be exhibiting his own work in a show called, Cempohualli, an Aztec term for the number 20. There are 20 pieces of Perea’s artwork in the exhibition which explore themes of contemporary Mexican-American culture. Now a resident of Ventura, California, Perea will have a simultaneous exhibition of his series Aguipiente y Serguila / Un México Para Armar at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Mexico), celebrating its 45th anniversary.

From images of the Mexican Revolution and agricultural life to abstract works, these exhibits immerse visitors in the diversity and depth that is Mexican culture.


“Mexican Prints” and “Cempohualli” Exhibitions

@ The Mexican Consulate, 3151 W 5th St in Oxnard
Sept. 16 – Dec. 18, 2021

On view Monday-Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm

Free and open to the public