Dr. Utpal K. Goswami resigns as Superintendent/President

SANTA BARBARA — Dr. Utpal K. Goswami has resigned as Superintendent/President of the College effective July 12, 2021. Under the terms of the agreement that was reached, he will continue as a consultant for the next month when requested to assist in the transition and will be paid a portion of the remaining time on his initial employment contract.

Dr. Peter Haslund, President of the Board of Trustees, stated “The Board of Trustees extends thanks to Dr. Goswami for his service to SBCC and the substantial contributions he has made to the success of the College. We wish him well in his future endeavors.”

Dr. Goswami said, “It has been an honor and privilege to serve as Superintendent/President of SBCC. I wish the best for SBCC, and I look forward to hearing about the great strides that the institution will make.”

Dr. Goswami joined SBCC as Superintendent/President on January 1, 2020, after serving as a President at Metropolitan Community College, Kansas City, Missouri. Prior to this, Dr. Goswami held various positions including as Vice President of Instruction and as interim President/Superintendent at College of the Redwoods in California.

Dr. Kathleen Scott will be acting Superintendent/President until The Board of Trustees appoints an interim.