April 24 — Ventura Land Trust Plants New Oak Grove in Harmon Canyon Preserve

Project Supported by SoCalGas Honors Earth Day

VENTURA — Ventura Land Trust will undertake a major reforestation project at its 2,100-acre Harmon Canyon Preserve with the planting of a new oak grove on Saturday, April 24 from 8:30 am to 12 pm. The 4-acre grove, funded by a grant from SoCalGas, will be planted near the preserve’s trailhead.

The oak grove is the first reforestation project to take place on the preserve, which opened in June 2020. With nine miles of trails for hiking and biking, Harmon Canyon Preserve is Ventura’s first large-scale nature preserve.

Ventura Land Trust (VLT) received a grant from SoCalGas in December 2019. SoCalGas’s grant award will fund the planting of 50 coast live oak trees, as well as native plants like mulefat, coyote brush, sage, elderberry, sage, deerweed, and buckwheat. A trail will wind through the grove, so that the public can see and enjoy the reforested area.

This year, the planting of the oak grove coincides with VLT’s acknowledgement of Earth Day on Harmon Canyon Preserve. Volunteers from SoCal Gas will plant the grove, spread mulch, and install irrigation infrastructure.

Ventura Land Trust is a non-profit conservation organization founded in 2003 to permanently protect the land, water, wildlife, and scenic beauty of the Ventura region for current and future generations. Its nature preserves are open free to the public from dawn to dusk daily. Go to www.venturalandtrust.org for more information about the organization and visiting its nature preserves. Ventura Land Trust is accredited by the national Land Trust Accreditation Commission.