VCCDC — Take advantage of Free workshops!

Upcoming Workshops
Take advantage of VCCDC’s FREE workshops!
¿Tienes un testamento o un fideicomiso? Si la respuesta es no, estás dejando a tus seres queridos y tus bienes en riesgo si algo te sucediera. ¡Infórmate sobre cómo puedes prepararte y protegerte a ti mismo y a tus seres queridos! Con la abogada invitada, Rennee R. Dehesa.
Costo: Gratis!
Fecha: Miércoles 27 de enero
Hora: 6pm – 7pm
Ubicación: Clase en línea (en vivo)
Do you have a will or a trust? If the answer is no, you are leaving your loved ones and your assets at risk if you something were to happen to you. Join us to learn how you can prepare and protect yourself and your loved ones with a few simple steps! With guest speaker, attorney Roy Schneider
Estate Planning: Wills & Trusts
Cost: FREE!
When: Wednesday, February 24
Time: 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: Live Online Workshop
¡No tienes que navegar el proceso de la compra de casa solo! Informate sobre todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un comprador de casa exitoso. Desde cómo mejorar tu crédito hasta programas de asistencia para el pago inicial, obtendrás toda la información que necesitas directamente de expertos en la industria.
Clase para Compradores de Casa Aprobada por HUD – en línea
Costo: Gratis!
Fecha: sábado, 6 de febrero
Hora: 9:00am – 2:30pm
Ubicación: Clase en línea (en vivo)
You don’t have to navigate the homebuying process alone! Learn everything you need to know to become a successful homebuyer. From how to improve your credit to down payment assistance programs, you’ll get all the information you need directly from experts in the industry!
HUD-Approved Homebuyer Education Workshops – ONLINE!
Cost: FREE!
When: Tuesday, February 9; Saturday, February 20; Saturday, February 27
Time: 9:00am – 2:30pm
Where: Live Online Workshop
Reverse Mortgage Counseling
Are you a homeowner who is 62 or older thinking about obtaining a Reverse Mortgage? Our Homeownership Specialists can help you determine if a reverse mortgage is right for you through a one-on-one counseling session! Contact us for details on fees and appointments.
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Our Mission:
“To strengthen and sustain vibrant communities by empowering and enabling low-to-moderate income individuals and families to build wealth through education and homeownership with a primary focus on serving low-to-moderate income clients”.