Port of Hueneme — December 19 – FREE COVID-19 Testing/Pruebas de COVID-19 Gratuitas

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COVID-19 Pop-Up Testing Site
This Saturday, December 19, 10:00am-3:00pm
In front of Port Administrative Offices
333 Ponoma Street, Port Hueneme, CA

  • No Port entry needed
  • Walk up style – street parking available
  • First come, first served
  • No insurance or ID required
  • Follow-up/results received within 24-72 hours
  • Take-home tests will be available if line becomes too long
Questions? Please contact mmorrison@portofh.org.This pop-up is done with the support and resources of Ventura County Health Care Agency.

Pruebas de Covid-19 Gratuitas
Sitio de Pruebas Ambulante
Sábado 19 de Diciembre, 10:00am- 3:00pm

Frente a las oficinas administrativas del Puerto
333 Ponoma Street, Port Hueneme, CA

  • No se requiere entrada al puerto
  • La fila se hara caminando— estacionamiento disponible en la calle
  • Resultados en 24-72 horas
  • No se requiere seguro medico o identificacion
  • Habra examenes para tomar en casa disponibles si se hace larga la fila

Para mas información Llamar a Miguel Rodriguez: mrodriguez@portofh.org.

The Port of Hueneme is one of the most productive and efficient commercial trade gateways for niche cargo on the West Coast. The Port is governed by five locally elected Port Commissioners. The Port moves $10.85 billion in goods each year and consistently ranks among the top ten U.S. ports for automobiles and fresh produce. Port operations support the community by bringing $1.7 billion in economic activity and creating 15,834 trade-related jobs. Trade through the Port of Hueneme generates more than $119 million in direct and related state and local taxes, which fund vital community services. In 2017, the Port of Hueneme became the first port in California to become Green Marine certified.
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333 Ponoma Street

Port Hueneme, CA 93041

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