Simi Valley YMCA Fitness Center Reopens

Courtesy photo.

SIMI VALLEY — After being closed for seven months due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Simi Valley Family YMCA fitness center is now open.

During the closure, the YMCA underwent significant renovations. The facility has new locker rooms, a new multipurpose room, new flooring, paint and energy-efficient lighting.

To ensure a safe environment, exercise equipment are positioned at least 12 feet apart. Fitness attendants clean equipment and frequently-touched surfaces. They mark freshly cleaned equipment as available for use.

To monitor the number of people in the fitness center (limited to no more than 10 percent capacity), reservations are required. Reservations are available for 55-minute time slots on the hour.

“We’re excited to have the fitness center open again,” says Ronnie Stone, President/CEO of the Southeast Ventura County YMCA. “We’re careful to follow all the guidelines set by Ventura County health officials. We’re asking that those who use the facility to be courteous and mindful of others, keep your distance and if you’re not feeling well, please stay home.”

Center hours are currently Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (closed Saturday and Sunday).

The pool and showers remain closed, but will reopen when Ventura County moves into the Orange Tier category.

The Simi Valley Family YMCA is at 3200 Cochran Street. For more information and to make fitness center reservations, call 805-583-5338 or go to