2020 Census Caravan to Parade Through Guadalupe, Rally Residents

The public is invited to watch the caravan on Saturday, July 25, from 12-1:30 p.m. and attend a Census Clinic at The Little House By The Park, from 2-5 p.m.

SANTA BARBARA — The Little House By The Park and the Guadalupe Community Changers will lead a 2020 Census Car Caravan on Saturday, July 25, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. to rally residents to complete the census. More than one dozen vehicles will participate in the caravan, including cars from the Guadalupe Fire Department, Catholic Charities, Dignity Health, Mechanics Bank, and City Council member Liliana Cardenas. Residents are invited come out and cheer on the caravan, and then attend a Census Clinic at the Little House By The Park, at 4681 11th Street, from 2 to 5 p.m., where they can complete the 2020 Census questionnaire.

The caravan will begin at The Little House By The Park and travel through many of the neighborhoods of Guadalupe.  Residents are encouraged to watch from safe distances and adhere to social distancing protocols. Masks, gloves, and sanitizer will be provided at the Census Clinic at The Little House By The Park, where individuals will be kept at least six feet apart. More information is available at fsacares.org/census.

“The Census Caravan is a fun way for us to reach out to the community during a time when our outreach opportunities are restricted due to social distancing guidelines,” said Sam Duarte, Director of The Little House By The Park.  “It is important that EVERYONE is counted in order to ensure we get our fair share of state and federal funding.”

Emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic are precisely why the government needs accurate census data. The census shapes decisions about how billions of dollars in federal funds will flow into the community for the next ten years.

According to the 2020 Self Response Rate Map, as of July 20, 2020, only 61% of Guadalupe households have completed their census. The remaining households have until October 31st to respond to the census.  The easiest way to complete the census is online at https://my2020census.gov/.

Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara County (FSA) is a nonprofit social service agency that has served the people of Santa Barbara County since 1899. Operating as Santa Maria Valley Youth and Family Center (SMVYFC) in Santa Maria and Little House By The Park (LHP) in Guadalupe, FSA helps the community’s most vulnerable children, families, and seniors meet their basic needs while simultaneously addressing mental health needs. Through this holistic approach, FSA improves the strength and well-being of our community. All services are provided free or on a sliding fee/donation scale and no one is denied assistance because of an inability to pay. Visit fsacares.org or call (805) 965-1001 for more information.