SMHS Business Economics students know more than a thing or two when it comes to the Stock Market

SANTA MARIA — SMHS Business Economics students know more than a thing or two when it comes to the Stock Market.

Three Saint Teams placed in the top one percent out of 931 teams in the Los Angeles Region’s 10-week simulation entitled the “Stock Market Game”. The teams of two each received a “virtual” $100,000 to invest in the stock market. Teams strategized and researched companies before they selected their investments and real time trades were made.

Rachelle Sanchez Medina and Jasmin Torres Garcia ranked 16th, Esther Pascual DeJesus and Carolina Sanchez-Martinez ranked 17th and Maria Magana Flores and Alisson Rabanales ranked 18th .

“This is quite an accomplishment, especially due to the volatility of today’s stock market and many of the trades occurred during Covid-19 Shelter at home. It was a difficult process since students could not discuss their transactions face-to-face after March 13th. Once they were no longer allowed to come to school, they basically had to contact each other and/or they made individual decisions with their half of the $100,000. They were constantly being reminded through emails and weekly Zoom meetings to continue to make the trades up until the simulation ended on May 15th and all transactions were online. They were awarded recognition in both a Virtual Stock Portfolio Investment Simulation and Financial Literacy knowledge.’’ – Teacher Cindy Quaid.