County of Ventura COVID-19 update for April 9

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Evening, Here’s your daily County of Ventura COVID-19 Update for April 9, 2020.


  • 11 new cases
  • 274 total cases
  • 108 recovered cases
  • 54 ever hospitalized/18 ever hospitalized in the ICU
  • 7 deaths
  • 159 under quarantine
  • 5,247 people tested


Stay Well At Home Order

Ventura County Public Health Officer Doctor Robert Levin has enhanced the Stay Well At Home Order to save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19 in the County of Ventura. The Order supplements the Health Officer’s Orders dated March 17, 20 and 31, 2020. All prior Orders issued by the Health Officer remain in effect except where modified by the provisions of the latest Order.

“We are saddened to note that the virus continues to devastate families across the County of Ventura, and we extend our deepest condolences to all who are mourning the loss of a loved one,” said Doctor Robert Levin, Public Health Officer. “We must protect the most vulnerable, especially seniors confined together in Long-Term Care Facilities. We cannot underestimate COVID-19, a virus that knows no boundaries, infects people of all ages, and can cause significant illness and death, particularly among people who are elderly or who have underlying serious health conditions. The Stay Well At Home Order has been updated to further help save lives and protect our community. I am asking that everyone avoid leaving their homes for anything except the most urgent matters. And when you do leave, please make sure to cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering if you will be around others, maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from everyone else, and frequently wash your hands. If you are ill, please self-isolate and if you are a close contact of someone who is positive for COVID-19, please self-quarantine for 14 days. These are our most powerful tools to slow the spread and reduce the likelihood of overwhelming our health care system. We must work together to save lives during this critical time.”

The intent of the Order is to ensure that the maximum number of people stay in their place of residence to the maximum extent feasible to slow the spread of COVID-19 and mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the delivery of critical healthcare services to those in need.

The Order supplements and amends existing orders by, among other things: prohibiting all gatherings, no matter the size, outside of places of residences with limited exceptions, adding certain businesses to the list of essential businesses, requiring essential businesses to adopt and implement social distancing protocols, providing guidance for hospital holding units and long-term care facilities and declaring that violations of Health Officer Orders constitute a threat to public health.

View the news release, the new Order and social distancing protocol in the attached documents.

View today’s daily video update at the following links:





Tune in for live update at 1 p.m. Friday, April 10, live streamed on Speakers will include Supervisor Kelly Long, Rigoberto Vargas, Public Health Director, Patrick Maynard, Director Ventura County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services, Steve Carroll, Administrator, Ventura County Emergency Medical Services Agency, Vanessa Bechtel, Executive Director, Ventura County Community Foundation, Monica White, President and CEO, Food Share Ventura County, Mike Powers, County of Ventura CEO.



Summary #
New cases 11
Total cases 274
Recovered Cases 108
Ever hospitalized 54
Active Cases Under Quarantine 159
Deaths 7
People Tested 5,247
Age and Sex of Confirmed Cases: Female Male %
Age 0-17 2 1 1.1%
Age 18-24 12 5 6.2%
Age 25-44 35 32 24.5%
Age 45-64 51 67 43.1%
Age 65+ 29 40 25.2%
Unknown 0 0 0.0%
Total 129 145 100.0%
Confirmed Cases: # %
Travel Related 16 5.8%
Person-to-person acquired 64 23.4%
Community acquired 150 54.7%
Under investigation 44 16.1%
Total 274 100.0%
City # % City/Unincorporated Area # %
Camarillo 33 12.0% Camarillo 33 12.0%
Fillmore 1 0.4% Fillmore 1 0.4%
Moorpark 17 6.2% Lake Sherwood 2 0.7%
Ojai 4 1.5% Moorpark 17 6.2%
Oxnard 53 19.3% Newbury Park 6 2.2%
Port Hueneme 4 1.5% Oak Park 9 3.3%
Santa Paula 4 1.5% Oak View 1 0.4%
Simi Valley 65 23.7% Ojai 4 1.5%
Thousand Oaks 40 14.6% Oxnard 53 19.3%
Ventura 24 8.8% Piru 1 0.4%
Unincorporated Area – West 2 0.7% Port Hueneme 4 1.5%
Unincorporated Area – East 27 9.9% Santa Paula 4 1.5%
Total 274 100.0% Santa Rosa Valley 1 0.4%
Simi Valley 65 23.7%
Somis 1 0.4%
Thousand Oaks 40 14.6%
Ventura 24 8.8%
Westlake 8 2.9%
Total 274 100.0%